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Everything posted by eulessismore

  1. Really, as far as YOUR original topic, what does the 1964 Civil Rights Act have to do with it? So, what's your point here, that unless you were white back then you should have been satisfied with having to exit the Interstate Highway and drive to the nearest Black neighborhood in order to eat or go to the restroom? But, maybe it was money that got that legislation passed. If the southern states had felt so strongly about their "rights" to MANDATE segregation by state laws, they could have just refused to receive such things as federal highway funds.
  2. Why should we be reading newspapers put out by those you describe as "a bit lazy and so said the same with tourists from other European countries"?
  3. At least we're not blowing those vuvu things, yet. North Texas Music: dedicated to the proposition that not everyone should blow their horn.
  4. +1, although it just gets you up to even at this point. Anyone wanting to get scared could have listened to the NPR segment yesterday on the financial circumstances of the states; California and New York are just the best known financial disasters at this point. One problem: States can't declare bankruptcy, so without something like that hanging over their heads, the various parties have nothing to hold their feet to the fire and make any compromises. One thing I can remember a fellow from UK who was visiting us during our financial meltdown saying was that "In Europe, we have strong regulations that will prevent that from happening". No government entity that I can think of should feel comfortable in saying "it can't happen here". Speaking of entitlement programs, nobody seems to want to talk about all the executive bonuses that were being paid to American financial institutions who had received TARP money and hadn't yet paid it back. Do corporate executives of large corporations fall behind anyone in their attitude of entitlement?
  5. I still have my doubts about that, but gerrymandering does seem to get more people involved in using GIS software. I favor technological advancement, but prefer it to be used appropriately. But, those putting together athletic conferences don't seem to care about (paraphrasing Mack Brown's words) "geographical fit", and end up with quite a scattered distribution. Hmmmm, still don't really like that.
  6. I disagree. Check out the following link for maps of the 111th Congress, stroll down to the district of someone you like or dislike, who you think has been in Congress just too long, and consider the likelihood that someone in that Representative's state designed a district for him/her in order to increase the chances of them being reelected over and over. In case you don't get the point, very little has been said about gerrymandering, because, as someone said after the last congressional redistricting for Texas "The Democrats did the same thing when they were in office". So, I guess this "proportional representation" might cause us to have "lost" so much of...something in American culture: gerrymandering. Look at Congressional District maps here:
  7. +1 Always aim to be the best. We should all have the national championship as our goal (I use lower case for that because I do not assue it will always be mythical).
  8. Well, I can't express how disappointed I am that two guys who work in our office were watching this world cup thing for multiple minutes in the break room over lunch. Bad enough that there's some incessant beehive buzzing sound (people playing their vulv*??), but that they're arresting women for wearing matching minidresses? Hey, if that was about preventing unsanctioned advertising, you don't think that little jail time didn't provide more free pub than the fraction of a square inch "Bavaria" tag along the seam? I guess this is at least a sport where nobody will ever be accused of running up the score. Can anyone here who "gets" this sport give me the vaguest hint of what causes people to watch it? I have no problem with, and completely understand the young kids kicking a ball around in the school yard, but for grown men to struggle for longer than I can stand to watch them trying to get a ball slightly smaller than a basketball into a net many times the size of a bball hoop???
  9. This can only be that big money of the Fedex guy talking, or Eastern Carolina would be invited instead of Memphis. Calipari has already taken the basketball mojo to Kentucky with him, Eastern Carolina has actually been serious about playing football, and is within the footprint of the Big East.
  10. I had Billy Tubbs as a swim instructor one summer at North Texas, 1974 or 1975 maybe; I can't remember for sure. I guess one couldn't make an entire living as a basketball assistant at then North Texas State. I certainly hope he's happy in this new assignment, perhaps his first without something to do with sports or physical education. Don't forget this; he is a good man.
  11. We average more than that in the tailgate area during the game.
  12. It's wide open.
  13. I just had a hard believing all along that schools in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri would want to be under the organizational umbrella of a conference headquartered in Walnut Creek, California. Makes no more sense than a school in Denton, Texas wanting to be under an administration headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Here's the self identification of the PAC 10: About the PAC 10
  14. Not me; I like those big naturals.
  15. Greed drives the car. Dysfunction keeps the fight going in the back seat.
  16. I do find it cool that Socrates used his head. What dialogue!
  17. I was kinda happy being 82nd Airborne, since that's what I actually was. My neighbor at work is a Lieutenant in the Fire Department who also used to be in the 82nd. He requires that noone call him Sir or Lieutenant; I think that might express my opinion about saluting. But I don't tell anybody what to do or not do.

  18. You're welcome. Sorry about your wallet.
  19. Beef tacos in crispy shells, with everything.
  20. So are they like people who make a scene at work, threatening to leave if something doesn't change, then nothing changes and they realize they can't leave because they need the money, and in the meantime, those who could have helped them DO leave, encouraged to do so by the unpleasant scene which had been made?
  21. +1 to you for noticing. I did read his bio when he was hired as the "second interim President" or whatever, and did note his experience in these matters. I think that part of his resume could be a key at this point. Here's a link to what someone wrote about his tenure at Memphis, including the hiring of Calipari: How Rawlins wished to be remembered at Memphis
  22. Alabama State, South Carolina State , along with at least one historically black school for every other southern and "border" state, are "Ag" schools, if you mean by that being given land or cash grants under one of the Morrill Acts. It was the Morrill Act of 1890, intended to include the former Confederate states, that gave them the option of creating separate "Land Grant" schools for Blacks (or admitting blacks to a single land grant school, which was not an option taken any of those states). Here's the article from Wikipedia; you can scroll down to click on the list (not entirely complete, as most of the "tribal" schools for Native Americans are not listed because of not being 4 year schools). Morrill Act (Land Grant) schools
  23. At least he'd be right this time when he says it's not his kid's fault.
  24. Well, we haven't gotten pressure on the quarterback for the last 3 years (at least). If we don't show that we've figured something about that part of the game early in 2010, we WILL start wondering who our next coach(es) will be.
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