Honestly, there's reasons I'd like for us to play Utah State every other year (which would happen if we went WAC, of course). Some of these are: my wife and I have flight privileges and could make an annual pilgrimage to Utah, where we would stay with some of her cousins and their families (yes, she's LDS) in Logan, and we could do some sightseeing and photography in Logan Canyon, a beautiful place in the fall. However, none of that benefits UNT in general or UNT football in particular. At this time, from what I can tell, there is only general aviation at Logan-Cache Airport (right name?), so the team would have to fly into Salt Lake City and then take buses to Logan, some hours away. Also, Logan is at about 4500 feet of elevation, enough to test the aerobic fitness of anybody, and certainly a football team from the flatlands such as ours.
Logan, Utah is a beautiful place, with friendly interesting, people, and great weather in September and October. I highly recommend it as a vacation spot for those of you who love outdoor recreation. Utah State can be a good football team at times, and certainly seems to be on the improve this year. As far as reasons to join the WAC, I'm not finding any, especially lately.