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eulessismore last won the day on October 21 2014

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About eulessismore

  • Birthday 04/04/1947

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    Euless, Texas

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  1. It wasn't what I was seeing (or not) as what I was hearing that made me think "hmmm".
  2. All I can say is that some of you who are bagging on the North Texas Music School don't seem to know what you're talking about. If you do a google search on "University of North Texas Alumni" and look through the listings for various schools and programs, some of them make up one page, maybe a couple make up two, and only one "Music" goes on for 3 pages. That's all the more remarkable because some of those listings are for bands instead of individuals, some of which are composed of multiple UNT alumni, and some people are not listed despite having stellar music careers. Among those not listed are Ray Hermann, woodwinds player for Chicago; Sarah Jaffe, well regarded folk singer-songwriter; Bruce Fowler, formerly trombonist with Frank Zappa (although fellow Zappa alumni Arthur Barrow is listed); Jim Ed Norman, former bandmate and longtime arranger for Don Henley and the Eagles and many others; and Midlake, a pretty fair folk rock band. Maybe instead of downplaying the achievements of these musicians and program, y'all should just give a listen to some of the folks who have been through the UNT music program, or figure out how to turn some of your own favorite schools, departments or programs into international successes. Of course noone is a prophet in their own country, and I guess some like Roy Orbison had to leave for England to find recognition. And I have just one question: would the student fee increase for athletics (needed to build Apogee) ever have been approved if it weren't for the votes of those in the School of Music, who may have realized that with no new stadium, there would eventually be no football, and no meaningful marching band? https://northtexan.unt.edu/notable-alumni?field_alumni_category_tid=36
  3. One upvote from one who misses the old Fry Street vibe.
  4. My first reaction, perhaps influenced by my career as a street name reviewer, was to agree, but now maybe I don't: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rydlii
  5. Probably the best director of Parks and Recreation we've had here in Euless.
  6. With all the other praise of El Paso and UTEP, you're not going to mention an NCAA MBB national championship, with all its historical significance, and being the namesake of a song with the best guitar solo in all country western music? I will say that, having flown into El Paso twice in the last 4 years (on my way to other places), it is a city very capable of promoting itself and its only university. Also, I like the look of their stadium for the Sun Bowl, which has had some great games.
  7. They did have a "celebrity wall" of autographed images of the famous, but I don't recall meeting anyone there who had flown in (and there are several private airports around that area as well as DFW Intl) just to eat there. Of course there were people, especially on weekends, from Dallas, Fort Worth and (myself after leaving Denton) the Midcities area. I'd like to think that people were coming from far away just to eat at the Ranchman's, but my guess is that many of those from elsewhere in the country were making the pilgrimage to the Ranchman's as a welcome side trip when coming to the DFW area for business (Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway?)or family purposes, such as this celeb: https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/1994/november/celebrity-picks/
  8. GrayEagle, my friend Dave Ross, after working for "Pete", one of those sisters, took over management/ownership of the Ranchman's in 1992, after cooking there from 1973, according to the linked article. Since he never mentioned being related to her family, I seriously doubt that he was. Dave knows what he's doing, since he's been at it as cook and owner for 50 years by now. I'd say he's lived up to that reputation and the place is the better for the work he's done to improve it. https://www.ranchman.com/newsite/index.php/about-ranchman-s
  9. Call it what you want, by either name, it's the same place, always has been. I'll just call it the Ranchman's when I go there as soon as I can. It was the "Ranchman's Cafe" back when my friend Dave Ross took it over what must have been at least 25 years ago. If you go, save room for pie!
  10. Uh, what the hell? Have any of y'all ever tried to get an old fogie to where they could use Apple TV? Patience, grasshopper.
  11. I guess someone could look up her winning percentage compared to the last two WBB coaches, but that would require some work. Somewhere Tina Slinker is saying "I told you so". An unkept promise I made to myself: attend a UNT wbb game.
  12. Why not try one of the concepts that was, iirc, used as part of the sales pitch to build the stadium which will be formerly known as Apogee? Have concerts after the game with bands that students would want to hear, with no admission of those not already in the stadium at the end of the game. Of course I guess it would mean more music being performed, which might upset some here.
  13. Three of the stupidest ideas since not locking the SMU obsession threads early on. Last paragraph is about right, but has no ideas that would improve the situation.
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