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Everything posted by drex

  1. Still a lot of things to fix....
  2. Sixty million in the Dallas market and still 10,000 people at their games.
  3. MGSF and UNT..........get thirty miles out of Denton and these mean nothing to the general public.
  4. I bought four shirts to help them out. Go Bleed Green!
  5. Is tailgating at SMU by invitation only? Just asking.
  6. Real battle flag finally available at the stadium store..yes, yes yes.
  7. As usual an enigma wrapped in a riddle.
  8. By the way, thanks to my publicist, Joe Holland. Also, I am working on another battle flag design that is a bit meaner than the first...I will post it for comments sometime...yes, I am a masocist who loves be beat up on gomeangreen.om.
  9. Yes, I noticed that recently. The colors are now way off from the original design I did. I am sure it will be replaced heading into the fall season By the way, there are only two sources that offer the battle flag in the correct colors....Voertman's and Amazon. UStore, no. Rally House, no. I have mentioned the problem to UStore and Rally House, to no avail.
  10. If the Pac 12 is interested in scheduling 'exhibition games', SMU is your team. Crowds in Dallas are exhibition size.
  11. How long has it been since SMU used Southern Methodist University in its literature, etc.? TCU, too, for that matter.
  12. Cannot wait for the Georgia vs. North Texas game this year...wait, we don't play them.
  13. I assume this is for businesses only. If you want to beat the system, buy under a business assumed name, I suppose.
  14. Again, I ask the question...does Seth really want to be here? I think not.
  15. Depends on when we jell....we will jell, for sure.
  16. As I have said before, Seth does not want to be here. This will be a death march this fall.
  17. Seth may be here physically, but he left has given us little thought for many seasons now.
  18. It was of interest to me...always liked Jeremy.
  19. WFT? How about Dennis Fisher's purchase of red uniforms with dark green (that looked like black from a distance)? I thought it was a visiting band the first time I saw them...also, they had red drums at one time. A branding nightmare.
  20. Long on sentiment, but probably short on funds.
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