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Everything posted by drex

  1. I'm not saying KRAM1 is old, but he has his messages for the board translated into modern English from the original middle English that he first transcribes.
  2. Sadly, the player who was supposed to save his dad's job may just acelerate his dad's demise...who knows.
  3. FloMoGrad is exactly right...KRAM is the point person for the t-shirts. PM him and I am sure he will fix you up. As the designer of the shirt, I am glad to see your involvement with the university and glad to have done a small part in the production art for the shirts.
  4. Sorry, I read the post too quickly and did not catch the joke. MY mistake.
  5. Good play calling is an art form...kinda like good spelling.
  6. All of the above.
  7. FIU website lists the game at 7pm eastern time....that is 6pm our time.
  8. Promotion has the root word motion in it....ain't a whole hell of lot of motion coming out of the athletic department these days.
  9. Bataille probably cares a little bit about football, but I can assure you she cares a great deal about the image of the university. She can be ruthless when she feels the need. Time will tell.
  10. One need not ever question Mean Joe's pedigree. He bleeds green like the rest of us. The UT visit speaks to his reputation, not his heart.
  11. Well, it is only right that the Record Chronicle hire Tech grads....haven't you heard of the tremendous reputation of the Tech school of journalism? For that matter, haven't you heard of the highly regarded Oklahoma State school of journalism, where Bill Patterson went? If it makes you feel any better, in about a year or two half the sports staff at the RC will mean just one person.
  12. They must have gone out by pack mule....no tickets here yet.
  13. The guy you are talking about is Riley Patterson, who is Bill Patterson's brother. Rumor has it that he was named for Riley Dodge, not sure, though. He wears that UT crap everywhere...his parents are UT grads.
  14. Correction...there have been many AD's who talked the talk, but were not allowed to walk the walk by the senior administration. Just for historical clarity.
  15. If Riley is on scholarship he is on the payroll, technically. So are the other scholarship players.
  16. Is that an NCAA big six deal or an NAIA big six deal? Given our recent scheduling, just curious.
  17. As you fret over possible bad things that could happen to this year's team, don't forget that there is always a 3 percent chance of final judgement. That, of course, could really ruin the season.
  18. Those years in the Missouri Valley really hurt our overall record...we were the doormat for years in the Valley.
  19. Would someone please show this analysis to the athletic department so they might be inspired to actually promote basketball this season.
  20. Actually, he has been promised the Heisman if he commits to reducing defenses at all division I schools.
  21. I always consider Dickey to have had limited success here, as he dominated a fledgling conference and had a very poor out of conference win record. Then, instead of capitalizing on the 'limited success' of the bowl games and using it for better recruiting, he seemed to backslide. In his defense, he was experiencing health problems during that time period.
  22. I am sadly amused by the people on the board who have such short memories. Did we not give Dickey three years to learn how to coach DI fooball before he had his limited success? Did we not agonizingly watch the progression of Scott Hall when he was thrown to the wolves? Now, let's just cool our jets and watch the maturity and eventual success of Dodge and company. Folks, we are not being blown out by teams. Our only embarrassment was at the hands of a pro francise in Tuscaloosa.
  23. Mean Green has appeared, disappeared and reappeared in North Texas publications since 1967. Hurley, of course, did not like Mean Green so it was not used for a few years of his tenure as grand wizard of North Texas.
  24. I am dumbfounded. When I heard it on the radio I thought it said that he had won the Noble Piss Prize, so I was not shocked.
  25. Speaking of offensive lines, will Victor Gill play tomorrow?
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