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Everything posted by drex

  1. I have noticed from where I sit that I can see the big KA sign on the hill...this means they can see our section from where they are drinking, etc. So how about a big sign for section 206 that says "Hey Greeks, drink another beer and forget about your team!" Or,"Hey Greeks, what ever you do, don't enter the stadium!"
  2. If he wins, will he wear the crown during the second half of the game?
  3. Pete Elliott?
  4. Since I survived the 60's, I get a little nervous when I see the Weather Underground mentioned. For those of you who are not old enough, I believe the Weather Underground in the 60's was a terror cell of some sort.
  5. I particularly liked that on the recording Dan said "This is your football coach, Dan McCarney." Really liked the YOUR.
  6. What a pitiful situation that the athletic department should basically be asked to say that their product is secondary to another product and even broadcast that product. What have the Rangers ever done for you? Any Texans even on the Ranger team? Good God, stay home and watch the pros or come to the football game and support your team. Don't ask your team to bend over and take it from the Rangers.
  7. Well said, Gray Eagle.
  8. How we do against LaLa this Saturday will have a huge impact on attendance. If we win, we'll still get a crowd...if we lose, it will be another reason for the fence sitters to just stay home and watch the world series.
  9. The biggest rivals that NT football has is the city of Denton and Denia neighborhood.
  10. Not sure if all the other member schools have the SBC logo, but I cannot remember one that does not--other than us. I know Troy does, Ark.St. does, Middle Tennessee does, ULM does and Lafayette does. Can't remember about the Florida schools.
  11. Brought a fraternity brother and his wife to the Indiana game...they had not been to a game since the early 70s...they both loved it and joined the alumni association and are talking about season tickets for next year. For homecoming another fraternity brother in Arkansas is coming to the game for the first time since the 80's. Slowly but surely we can get this attendance bumped up.
  12. I'm not saying I have any inside information....I just find it curious that there is no reference to the Sun Belt at the stadium. This, coupled with the fact that Rawlins is very connected, leads me to believe that efforts are being made to make NT a player in this reshuffle. Size of university, television market, alumni base and our recent upgrade of facilities makes us a player. The success of football right now will have some bearing, but not totally when conferences scour the landscape for candidates. All sports but football are cruising rather nicely. Upgrade in women's basketball and football (the two problem areas in the past) seem to have been addressed. So, we are open for business.
  13. I still maintain that there is a reason that there is no Sun Belt logo or artwork at Apogee. I am convinced that there is far more going on behind the scenes than we know. I have faith in President Rawlins...plus he is well connected in the NCAA circles. Stay tuned.
  14. A discussion of SMU and attendance is an oxymoron.
  15. It will be interesting to see if a SunBelt logo ever shows up at Apogee.
  16. There are far too many people who work for the university with far too little to do. May I suggest night school or a bowling league?
  17. I am afraid this is a perfect storm developing for home attendance Saturday. Texas-OU, plus Rangers plus rain, plus struggling team can only hurt. I'll be there with bells on, however.
  18. Two observations from the game: One--while Dunbar is a stallion, Rainey strikes me as a worm on steroids the way he wiggles through defenses. Two--since when do both teams wear home uniforms in the same game?
  19. Man, give me a big helping of that at halftime from the Green Brigade.
  20. I am fascinated by the Big East's interest in SMU...small alumni base with little support from the general public in Dallas. Very spotty attendance, too.
  21. The upcoming game vs. FAU is critical. If we stink up the field that will do it for attendance for the year. People will say it is the same ole North Texas and the home attendance is shot. Win and be fun winning this Saturday and we have a chance to have some nice crowds for the rest of the year. No more blow out games would help, too. You can always count on me to state the obvious.
  22. Pure genius...wonder why the battle flag has not shown up at Apogee...do you hear me, Talons?
  23. Just have her show her membership card at the door....In fact, they may even have a printout of the membership so she could get in by giving her name. I think she is allowed one guest for free. Have her check in with Lori (who is extremely nice) at the check in table.
  24. drex


    Another SMU conspiracy, I suspect.
  25. College professors are a poor investment in the educational process and certainly are a poor source of funding for athletic events. These same professors would drool all over themselves to pay $24 to see their alma maters play. Face it, their hearts are not with NT, only their desire to get a pay check.
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