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Everything posted by drex

  1. Good job Mark..that's over $5,500 you've raised for the school in the last three weeks. Nice.
  2. The way Jankovich was treated here I can tell you he will come after us with a vengeance. I think that his treatment was one of the saddest stories in North Texas athletic history.
  3. At least we are trending upward....remember when we hired coaches from pissant programs or assistants from D1 programs and prayed to God it would work out? Those hires were motivated by total distain by the senior administrators or total incompetence by senior administrators.
  4. There is a trend developing at North Texas and I like it.
  5. There is a trend developing at North Texas and I like it.
  6. Vito must have the other Forrest on his mind. Petersen comes from Wake Forest, not Wake Forrest.
  7. Way to go, Mark. Now, I'll bet there is someone out there who will match that amount..I'll start looking.
  8. I am confident that Dan can carry the event on his shoulders, if necessary.
  9. He interviewed for the job that Jankovich ultimately got. At that time he was at Okla. St., I think. He also did some time at SMU. He was underwhelming way back then.
  10. Vito is loving this.
  11. Silliness prompted by desperation.
  12. I am honored that they included my battle flag from 1986.
  13. Yeah, Georgia State basketball is always being discussed around the water fountains of corporate America. And, of course, everyone across the country is riveted to the scores from GSU basketball as the season unfolds.
  14. Johnny has paid his dues here at North Texas...elevating the program far higher than any recent predecessors...good luck and good wishes to him if he leaves for LSU.
  15. Isn't Midddle Tennessee the same team that did not make it out of Hot Springs? Why think they will do any better this year.
  16. I thought about all of y'all as I watched all the areas affected by the storms...hope all is well with each of you.
  17. Thanks!!Keep 'em comin'....
  18. I will be bringing to market soon the second yard sign...it will be an officially licensed product, just like the Eagle Eye home security sign. Obviously,it will feature the battle flag. And, obviously, it will say North Texas on it. I am up for suggestions for the other verbage to be on the sign (if extra verbage at all). Suggestions so far are 'Salute North Texas', Game On-North Texas and 'Battle for North Texas'. Please pm me with suggestions and if I choose your idea I will give you a free sign. Thanks for the help.
  19. Man, I love the board. Everyone has an opinion...that was mine.
  20. I never thought her heart was in it when she had her introductory press conference. How she recruited kids with a straight face, knowing she was a temp, is amazing to me. Now let's get someone who gives a damn about UNT, not just herself.
  21. I saw in the obit that Lee was a NCAA Div.II All American. If the Missouri Valley was division II, it was a hell of a div.II league with at least two teams in the top 20 in the nation. Obviously, someone did not do their homework for the obit. Lee was great and really could jump out of the gym. Obit also omitted the fact that he did some coaching at the Div.I level as an assistant coach for Missouri and St. Louis U., I think.
  22. Sure, there are a lot of things I would do differently if I were AD. However, athletics has the distinction of being the only entity on campus that everyone on campus thinks they can do better than the AD. Some of those entities carry a big stick and stick their noses in places they do not belong. Believe me, I know first hand. The Dennis Parker hire is a good example.
  23. I think that RV will come up with another good coach...he will not be 'distracted' on this hire like he was when he hired Stephens. No outside pressure from administrators.
  24. Maybe she got tired of playing in front of 28 people per game.
  25. Thanks to KRAM and Harry for the coverage and nice words. Hope to have the Battle Flag sign out in May.
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