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Everything posted by keith

  1. On the meangreensports.com premium site under Live Events it says, "There are no upcoming live video events." So what is it? Is it actually going to be on meangreensports.com or not? Keith
  2. Zbikowski actually did something to earn his money (nothing wrong with that) and I don't think he signed with an agent or made any product endorsements. Bomar got caught cheating, plain and simple. He and the people handing him the cash knew it was against the rules of the NCAA and chose to ignore them. Same (apparently) with Reggie Bush. Officials are human. Humans make mistakes. It's part of the game...it always has been and always will be. The instant replay system was put in place specifically for that reason, but it's not fool-proof. You don't penalize on the basis of a fundamental human trait. I think you would need to prove willful misconduct....evidence that the refs knowingly and purposefully "rigged" the final outcome of the game. The transgressions of Bomar and Bush (and possibly the institutions) were not "mistakes." Keith
  3. The Bloom thing was because of his "professional" endorsements. I don't think the is anything against getting paid for actually performing a job. There is something against getting paid cash by a booster and attempting to cover it though bogus payroll schemes. Keith
  4. The problem here is that only works for the first 11 games or so. After that, what to you have? La-Monroe better watch out! Also what a novel idea to scout your opponents and actually devise a game plan that will exploit their weaknesses and cover yours. Based on our recent past, you'd think that was against the rules or something. Keith
  5. I'm pretty sure it was a C-USA crew for our game with SMU. Is there some sort of deal now where the visiting conference provides the officials? Plumm, that was probably your best post in a while....good reading. On to the Tulsa announcers. OMG they were absolutely horrible. We do not know how lucky we are to have George and Hank. The play-by-play guy referred to Woody as "Mitchell" all night long. The "color guy" had absolutely no respect for NT (or anyone else for that matter). Basically kept saying now's the time for Tulsa (Tulsa! podunk, piece of crap Tulsa!) to restore order to the universe and re-establish Tulsa's rightful position above the lowly Mean Green who really don't belong on the same field with the mighty Golden Hurricane. It was funny to hear him tighten up a little as the game dragged on in the 1st half and NT held on to the 3-0 lead late. He also kept thinking that Antoine Bush (5-11" 176) was a linebacker and how they just completely overmatched us in size and speed. They were painful to listen to. Unfortunately there was such a gap between the video feed and George and Hank, you were almost forced to listen to them. What's the difference between Tulsa and Yogurt? Yogurt has an active, growing culture. Keith
  6. I really do not understand the decision to bring DM in. I don't have anything against Meager, I'm saying it was an extremely poor coaching decision. Game situation: Start of 4th quarter, down 21 -3. Things are not looking great, but technically we are not out of the game yet. Little did we (the fans) know that as far as the coaching staff was concerned we were. A quick score, a turnover...anything to breath a little life back into the game and things *may* have gotten little exciting at the end. So what do the coaches do? They yank Wilson and bring in Meager. Was there some mysterious "injury" to Wilson that we don't know about? Meager has already had one (or two?) serious concussions during fall practice. Has not worked much with the team and had not taken a snap in the previous two games. Did the coaching staff really, I mean really and truly, think that Danny was going to step in and lead us to 3 touchdowns in the 4th quarter? Let's be honest now. It didn't look like that to me. It looked like they said, "well, it's the 4th quarter, we're down 3 scores, let's go ahead and get Danny some snaps and get on back down to Denton." It basically became a scrimmage. There was no real evidence of picking up the pace, going into a no huddle offense or doing anything different than what we had already done. For all intents and purposes, the coaches packed it in. Again, don't take this is DM bashing. I think the coaches put him in a horrible situation, but at that point they were already looking at their watches anyway. Keith
  7. Crickets......I'm hearing crickets. Does anyone else hear crickets? Keith
  8. Early in the game, JT ripped off a couple of 13 yard runs (I think one was called back for illegal procedure). The line obviously opened up some holes early. So, what happened? Tulsa coaching staff adjusted appropriately and our coaching staff did not. Once TU adjusted to plug the holes and stop the run all we needed to do was hit a couple of quick, simple passes to give them something else to think about. Keith
  9. Something like we have too many things in our offensive game plan and since it's so complicated we make a lot of mistakes. Keith
  10. It took me a little while to figure out, but I think I finally understand the strategy. Here it is. First, get down by around 28 to 3. Then, the defense will think you are going to try to catch up by throwing the ball. They pull their D back to cover the pass. That, in turn, opens up the running game and you start pounding it up the middle. Pretty sneaky if you ask me. Keith
  11. So what does it really mean when a school doesn't "release" a player or in this specific case if OU doesn't release Bomar? Keith
  12. I ran into a girl at LaGuarida airport wearing a North Texas shirt. Gave her a big, "Go Mean Green" as I ran by to catch my flight. Took her a second, but then she yelled back, "whoo hoo, yeah, Go Mean Green!" Keith
  13. Anyone know the status of Jamario's younger brother? Keith
  14. I'll probably go. This is about as close as the Mean Green get to where I live. It's about 500 miles (8-9 hour drive or a short flight into Cleveland). Aside from the SMU game and the New Orleans bowl (the power of positive thinking!) this is probably my only other opportunity to see the 2006 squad in person. I have toyed with the idea of one of the Florida games....we'll see how that pans out. Keith
  15. A lot of rain and local flooding up here this past weekend. Not sure where the Pats are of it they are inside or outside, but some areas were a mess. Keith
  16. I still don't have a problem with the at-large bid arrangement worked out with Notre Dame. Keith
  17. With the schedule ND generally plays, a top 8 finish in the standings is as good as or better than a "BCS Six" champion who gets an automatic berth. What's the problem? Now if you want to talk about how much of a mess the entire BCS situation is, I'm all with you there. Keith
  18. Looks that way to me too. All that's lost is some parking. Keith
  19. Isn't this the guy we battled with La Tech over and supposedly came out on top? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else, but what a waste. Hopefully he finds what he's looking for (and we do too). Keith
  20. "Student-Centered Education" ???? What dolt came up with that one? I'm glad to see that the authors of those PowerPoints took some time to familiarize themselves with the new UNT branding initiative. Nice to see some consistency there. Get ready to watch SWTSU, excuse me, Texas State, blow right past us. I have a bad feeling about this. Keith
  21. I get it now, just add a couple things a year. At this rate we may have a full play book and multiple offensive formations in another 20 years or so. Patience my fellow Mean Greeners....patience. Keith
  22. What a great story. Thanks for sharing that Cooley. Keith
  23. Why the ? Is there something between the lines I'm missing? Keith
  24. Emmitt Smith - 5'10" (216) - 15 years Tiki Barber - 5'10" (200) - 9 years and counting Patrick Cobbs - 5'9" (205) if the roster is accurate. I don't get the "size" issue either. Keith
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