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Everything posted by keith

  1. To me it sounds like someone who thinks they know how to live my life better than I do. I drive a SUV and I'm usually toting around 4, 5 or 6 other passengers. So I can take one "car" where it would require two or three cars otherwise. If I'm paying for the electricity, it's my business if I want to run the AC and leave the front door open. Keith
  2. Maybe Chavez will finally like us now. Oh please, please make it so. If only he would like us, really like us, the world would be a better place for everyone. Keith
  3. It would suffer the same fate as a full term baby that isn't cared for by other human beings. Keith
  4. The Chinese. Weren't Geithner and Pelosi just over there? Keith
  5. Let's hope not. I mean what are we talking about here? All murders are created equal but some are more equal than others? Quite possibly some of the worst laws on the books. Keith
  6. I respectively disagree with your fundamental premise on morality. Morality is not about a possible right and a possible wrong it is about the distinction between right and wrong. Sure there may be debates about abortion, but I do not think those debates center on the argument that abortion is right conduct. Even Obama in his speech at Notre Dame said he wanted to see fewer abortions. Why would he say that if he believes abortion is right conduct? I submit that the debate is not about the conduct. The debate is about a woman's right to determine what does and does not happen to her. Keith
  7. And here-in lies the problem. A Federal government that has grown completely out of control. And on top of this Obama has appointed at least 18 "Czars" that report and answer directly to him. It's like his own little shadow government. Keith
  8. Even the Russians see exactly what's happening. Keith
  9. Oh my. Not sure, but I think there may be a run-on sentence or two in that release. Keith
  10. Dude...that's like washing your car. You are tempting the gods. This whole white roof thing is so silly, I'm hesitent to even justify it with a comment....but wouldn't the white roofs reflect the sun's energy back into our atmosphere and make the situation worse? I mean this whole let's reflect the sun's energy strategy would need to occur way before it reached the surface of the planet wouldn't it? Keith
  11. Yes. They are all "cellular" which refers to the technology of dividing the coverage space into "cells" of a fairly small area requiring low power and range so that the same frequencies can be reused in other (non-adjacent) cells without the risk of cross-talk. As you move from one cell to another, your call is switched to different frequencies. Keith
  12. I don't know what to say...since when is the American flag offensive in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? "McLucas said the supervisor who complained has been in the United States for 14 years and is formerly from Africa." I suppose if the person who complained had a flag from their former country in his/her office, they would be allowed to keep it as a symbol of their cultural heritage? Everything has been turned upsidedown. Keith
  13. Things seem to be escalating rapidly on the Korean penisula. Hopefully everyone takes a deep breath and calms down. Keith
  14. Is this one going to be reviewed this session or could it possibly slip and not be heard until Sotomayor is seated? I guess she would have to recuse herself on that review. On the radio this morning they reported that 3 of the 5 decisions of hers that were reviewed by the Supreme Court were over-turned. Those do not seem like very good odds to me, but the President should be shown deference by the Senate. If she is qualified, she should be confimed. I don't have a problem with a woman or Hispanic or Catholic or Jew or any other race, gender or ethnic group being on the Supreme Court. What does bother me is candidates being nominated, in part, *because* of their gender or ethnic background. That potentially sets up the Justice going in with a constituency or a group he or she is supposed to "represent" on the bench. Personally, I find this troubling. Congress and to a lesser extent the President are there to represent. The only constituency a judge should have is the law. Keith
  15. I'm not sure what I was criticizing. I was simply pointing out the fact that we (the U.S.) better get used to China calling the shots not only in their hemisphere but globally. We've all heard about the growing influence China will have in the future. Well, the future is now. We've allowed ourselves to become a debtor nation on a unprecedented scale and as you pointed out a lot of that is held by China. The Dollar is under incredible pressure and China seems to hold all the cards these days. For all we know China is behind what North Korea is doing and is using it to symbolize how little influence the U.S. really has globally. Politics is a stange animal. In terms of solution, that's kind of out of my league. I will say that what we've tried to do so far does not seem to have had the desired results. Keith
  16. I suppose we better get used to China leading the way in a lot of things from now on, eh? Keith
  17. It's a two-fer for the crazies in North Korea. They also tested 3 missles yesterday. Keith
  18. Why the legislation or why won't some people let this issue die? I think the answer to both is self-evident. One person could put this to rest for about $10 but instead allows tens of millions of dollars to be wasted on lawsuits and now congressional action (like they don't have other things to worry about). Not producing the birth certificate just adds fuel to the fire. I can only think of two plausible reasons why he has not produced his birth certificate although I'm sure there are others. First, for whatever reason, he cannot (or won't) produce it because he wasn't born in Hawaii. Second, he is exploiting the controversy for his own benefit by playing the victim of racial intolerance. Is the truth too much to ask for? Come on Mr. Obama, provide the certificate so we can all get past this and focus on the important issues facing our country. Keith
  19. This whole "the world hates us" and "we need to restore the our reputation in the eyes of the world" is a bunch of BS perpetuated by left wing Americans to use as an excuse for their desires. If the world hates us so much then why are they beating down our doors to get here? I've traveled around...not everywhere....but enough and I've never met anyone that hates The United States. Actually it is just the opposite. Look at the last election in France, you know that country that probably 90% of Americans thinks hates us because it's been beaten into them, that had a very pro-American candidate against a very anti-American candidate. Who won? The pro-American candidate. The French people don't hate America...some French "intellectuals" probably do, but they are in the minority. Ask any average American in the street and they'd probably list France as one the of countries that hates The United States the most. Keith
  20. Obama is just laying the ground work for massive tax increases (which are coming) and he'll claim none of this is his fault. The failed policies of the Obama administration are piling up. They are going to drain the treasury and burden the country for years. Keith
  21. I've heard that Obama has never missed a shot in his life. He is truly amazing! He is all about control and watch out when he doesn't get is way. That speech after the congress pulled the plug on his invisible Gitmo plan was classic. He was like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum. You are right about Venezuela North. He's already nationalized the banks and auto industry and he won't stop there. He's just like Chavez, but since he does it behind teleprompters with that big toothy smile, he gets away with it. Keith
  22. Seems to me the only "mess" Obama says he's being forced to clean up is the one he created. Keith
  23. Back to the Gitmo issue for a second. Obama and the left seems to be fixated on the southeastern corner of Cuba. Can someone summarize the basic problem Obama has with Gitmo? Thanks. Keith
  24. I was at that game. Wow, 28 years ago. Thanks SUMG you made me feel old today. Keith
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