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Everything posted by keith

  1. That blog did not read as all that optimistic to me. The simple fact that we are even talking about this thing being close or a squeaker or decided by a 100 votes speaks volumes about the sad state of affairs at North Texas. Keith
  2. If the Doomsday Scenario happened? There would be a ceremonial burning of my battle flag in my front yard. Anyone else in the New England area that wants to make a day of it can drop on by. Keith
  3. Everyone seems to forget that the excitement of the game and the strength of play and outcome on the field is inversely proportional to the number of fans in attendance. So, if the stands are packed, outcome is bleak. If the stands are sparsely populated, we hit on all cylinders and look unbeatable. Keith
  4. We should just burn all the red shirts this year. If they have talent and can play, let 'em play. Quit saving for a rainy day. The flood waters are already rising in Denton. Keith
  5. Sounds correct. All the conference championship years are displayed on the press box. There are a lot of them. Keith
  6. Yes, that was the first thing I thought too. For the vast majority of the students, they are not being asked to spend any of their money because they will not even be in school when the fee begins. According to the text, "...The Athletic Fee shall not be implemented until the semester the new football stadium is complete, which is expected to be fall 2011.” How many will graduate, drop out or transfer in the next three years? Whether it passes or not, this whole process is bogus if you ask me and was probably designed this way to make it as difficult as possible for any but the "chosen" ones to be competitive in athletics in Texas. Keith
  7. Oh boo hoo for Granger....He had it coming...If he wants to dish it out, he better be willing to take it.....What comes around goes around...Cry me a river. Any more cliches to add? I don't have a problem with the OL sticking up for themselves. I didn't see the game. Did Granger start it with his cheap shot or was that an escalation of something earlier? Keith
  8. Did Texas State and UTSA have to have a student vote to raise their fees? Does anyone know what their fees were before they were raised? Keith
  9. How hard is it to punt the ball out of bounds? Just aim it left or right and give it a boot. I do not understand why we insisted on kicking the ball to Holliday. Keith
  10. Play your best players regardless of classification. How many "great" players have we lost due to injury, academics, left team or whatever that barely set foot on the field because we were saving them for the future that never came? I really woud not care if we had all true freshman out there if they were the best players at their positions or the best athletes available. We only get them for such a short time anyway. Play 'em if you got 'em. Keith
  11. keith


  12. OMG, I had forgotten all about "poat"-gate. That was hilarious. Thanks for the memories. Keith
  13. I used to post as Coppell Green. I even found a couple posts that were in the screen shots Harry posted in the blog recently. Going back even further, does anyone remember the report that was sent out by fax? I used to get those. Keith
  14. If you are seeing that ad you probably have a SMU or SMU-related cookie on your computer that you got when you went to one of the SMU athletic sites or message boards. You can clear your cookies and/or stop going to the SMU site(s) and you'll probably stop seeing the ad. It's no big deal. It's how the Internet stays free (mostly). It's not like every person that goes to meangreensports.com is seeing that ad. Keith
  15. As we've learned the University is obligated to conduct a student vote (unfortunately). Still seems odd to me for a variety of reasons. I remember my freshman year I was living in West hall and one of the first days there we all gathered in the foyer for a sort of orientation to college and dorm life with the RAs. They had us all stand in a bunch of concentric circles with the RAs in the middle. A specific part of the talk I remember was when one of the RAs told us all to take a good look at the person standing to our right and then take a good look at the person standing to our left. After doing that he told us that the chances were that two out of the three of us would not finish at North Texas. Of course being idealistic incoming freshman we were all like, no way, not me! Well, students leave, quit, drop out, transfer, etc. for many reasons. Why entust the future of the University to a whole group that may not even be there in a semester or two? Keith
  16. I was out in California this past weekend for a family reunion. My brother (also a poster on the board) and I were down in the breakfast area when in walked a couple guys in Middle Tennessee shirts. Having my North Texas shirt on, I went over to ask them what they were doing all the way out on the west coast and chat with them for a while. They seemed fairly up-to-date with what's been going on at NT and the Sun Belt in general. The interesting little tid bit was that they informed me that they just don't hate us like they used to any more. Now they all hate Troy. I think it's time for us to re-kindle some of those old feelings among our Sun Belt bretheren. Go Mean Green! Keith
  17. SilverEagle, those we my exact thoughts as well. Was that a shot across the bow? A bit of foreshadowing or simply adding to the excitement? Not sure...... Keith
  18. Putting something like this to a student vote seems like a huge risk....I mean lots of things, a bad weather day, for example, could influence the outcome. We have leaders. They are supposed to lead and make decisions that are in the best long term interest of The University. If, at any point in time you take a snapshot of the student population, what percentage of that snapshot actually goes on to graduate? How many first semester Freshman make it to the second semester, or second or third year? If this goes to a vote, we will likely place this in the hands of a couple thousand incoming Freshman and many of those may only be around for a semester or two. Seems reckless. If we do if for this, then why not let the students vote on everything....tuition, room and board, library hours, professor/administration salary, campus speed limits, etc. Dangerous. Keith
  19. UCF started its football program in 1979 in Division III. They just built a stadium with a seating capacity of 45,301 and hosted the University of Texas to break it in. UCF has vision. Keith
  20. Maybe it was in one of those spreadsheets someplace. I'm curious, UT, A&M and NT, for example, are all "state-supported" universities, right? In other words, the State of Texas provides some amount of financial support/funding to all three universities. What is the relative amount of annual funding these three receive, both in absolute dollars and per student dollars? Does anyone know (CheckFacts, perhaps you do)? Keith
  21. Come on guys, we're playing a Sun Belt team. We can't get people out to watch a Sun Belt team. It's all about the opponent. We are who we play after all. Keith
  22. North Texas is assumed. These are the others we are conference mates with. NT + 11 = 12. Keith
  23. Endzone suites or not, I really like the look of that. It should make it a more intimidating place to play for your opponents. Keith
  24. If they are good enough to play then we should stop saving 'em for a rainy day (i.e. redshirt them) and play them while we have them. I recall when we finally built up enough depth to redshirt good portions of our incoming classes we were all excited because we could finally afford to do what the "big programs" do. Unfortunately, that was about the same time it seemed like the "big programs" changed their attitudes and said we're playing the best players regardless of classification. They started assuming from the beginning that they'd generally only have them for 3 years (injury, grades, loss of interest, on to the pros or whatever made that the average) so wanted to get as much value as they could while they were in school. Was Banks not good enough to get significant playing time or were we saving him? If he doesn't come back then it's been a complete waste of three years. Same thing happened with our QB a few years ago. Keith
  25. Good for him. Do not fall for this mid-major crap. Reject it, ignore it....do not give it life. It is nothing more than the "haves" greedy attempt to permanently separate themselves and keep all the money in their pockets. Accepting these sorts of made up classifications is giving up without a fight. Just say NO to any mid-major BS, because that's all it is. Keith
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