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Everything posted by dodgefan

  1. Smart move by Todd, to make sure the public knows what he needs, and expects.
  2. Congrats emmitt!
  3. With a school as big as NT (30,000 enrollment), 3rd largest school in the state of Texas, a zillion alums, how can this stadium not already have been built? I can't believe there are not NT alums with money? Or do they not care? It has to be something people. It's starting to frustrate me, after watching you people stress over this the last couple of years.
  4. I couldn't remember what the SMU message site was, but, I found the link to their official webpage. $75 a ticket??? I'm closing in on retirement, I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't pay that amount to hear TD and JJ together! http://smumustangs.cstv.com/index-main.html
  5. Unbelievable! We need that new stadium now!
  6. As some of you know, I have followed SLC pretty closely. The people that watched Kyle in the spring, and at various summer camps, say he compares more with Greg McElroy. Greg was the qb before Riley, and he signed with Alabama. SLC only returnes two starters on offense this year, so they might start off a little slower than usual. I am an old timer, so for you youngsters, June Jones has an impressive history as a offensive cordinator, and qb coach in the NFL, long before his Hawaii success. So for Jones to offer in July, he must think Kyle is really going to be good. This will be the fourth starting qb in a row, that SLC has sent to a division 1 college. Is this SMU's first commitment of the year?
  7. Question: Where is that article does it say that was offered the Notre Dame job and turned it down? Who said he turned it down EMMITT?
  8. I hate to admit it, but, I was kind of hoping he would leave. Steve Orsini is one of the brightest, and most aggressive young AD's in the country. SMU fans have to be thrilled.
  9. There is never a good decision with some of you guys, you are always worried about what someone else is doing. If SMU was on this station, you would whine about it for five pages. This is a clear, FM station, that is pretty strong. I listen to the station everyday, and we should be proud to be on it!
  10. Thanks, that's a pretty good number for the 1st of June.
  11. No guess, on the number of players working out?
  12. So like 70 players?
  13. Any idea how many players were there?
  14. Do you think TCU would have any interest?
  15. I thought you guys were always talking about how good the SBC is, and that it's as good or better than CUSA? Now, you talk like your just foaming at the mouth to get in CUSA?
  16. Finally, someone who has a functioning brain! There is hope!
  17. Gmoney said "They haven't done any favors for us and never will." What? SMU did not take us to raise, we are not a dependent on their tax return. Let's be responsible for our own actions, and stop worrying about SMU. Do you think SMU's A.D. goes to bed at night thinking about how he can make life better for us? Why would he? Why should he?
  18. We'll see where Todd is ranked, in a couple of years!
  19. What about the Ft Worth Star Telegram? TCU has been to bowls 9 of the last 10 years, beaten BCS schools, been nationally ranked. SMU hasn't been to a single bowl since 1984!????? But we have SOME, that are focused on being better than SMU? I sure hope that Todd doesn't have this small time mentality.....but, I am very confident, that he doesn't.
  20. Once again, we need to think big. SMU has less than 10,000 students, we have 30,000, plus a MUCH bigger alumni base. UNT should draw TONS more than 5,000! What does TCU draw? That's who we should be comparing ourselves to, plus, they are about 5 miles closer than SMU. Not to mention TCU has produced a winning football program the last 10 years, that actually goes to bowls, and beats Big12 schools.
  21. I knew you would come around!
  22. I think you are yanking my chain, because anyone could see the massive impovement in the offense, with just one season. Now you throw in this years recruiting class, and it should be only a short matter of time.
  23. emmitt says "I do find it interesting that "dodge"fan only seems to come out of his hole when we mention the ponies." ha ha! well if that was true, I would be posting on here everyday! I havn't been on here very much of late, because, it's not football season. But emmitt, I did see where congratulations are in order for you. You are a VERY passion filled fan, if UNT had 35,000 like you it would be a better place. I have stated my history before, I am a SLC fan, and when TD came to NT, I followed him. I have no other NT connections! I did make it to 4 or 5 games last year, and plan on doing the same next year. I am able to read these post from a more unbiased position than you, and if you don't think that there is some truth to what I am saying, well, I will just leave it at that. Like I have said ALL along from the beginning, have faith in Todd Dodge, but UNT better start supporting the program.
  24. Maybe we could petition Hawaii to give it to us just to pi$$ schmoo off hypothetically speaking.....if what your saying happened, do you think SMU would even care? This is exactly what I was talking about. Some of you guy's just don't get it. SMU has now joined the list of programs that are PROACTIVE! Most programs don't wallow in the "ole so and so school" is holding us down bit. They go out, and do something about, TAKING CARE OF THEIR OWN BUSINESS! It's going to come down to, is UNT going to MAKE a move? Or, will we continue to whine about schools, "that are afraid to schedule us" or "well, they have money". It's decision time folks.
  25. Right, it does take $$$$$. And because we don't put up the $$$$, we try and make ourselves feel better, by taking shots at those that are pro-active. NT is the THIRD largest school in the state of Texas right? What excuse do we really have? It's time to stop with the "poor us" attitudes, and crying about people "that look down their noses" at us. With the THIRD largest alumni base in Texas, what REAL excuses do we have for still being in the situation we are in? It's time for NT alums and administration, to step up to the plate!
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