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Everything posted by UNTX

  1. If donating to one of the collectives, can you designate your contribution to a particular sport? I love and support football, and I’ve had club seats since the stadium first opened. But if I’m donating to a collective I want it to go to basketball. We really need to continue this success and capitalize on it. Wonder also if basketball could have its own, separate collective? There’s fewer players to spread the $$$ around to in basketball, and a few wealthy donors plus many small donors could really make an impact. There might be rules and title 9 issues around this though, that I’m not aware of.
  2. Any update on status of Jones and Buggs?
  3. Theirs was already pretty much equal to ours. Ours now is $16.25/ hour capped at 15 hours, whereas UTSA’s current fee is $20.00/ hour capped at 12 hours. They were really looking for a large increase of $1.50 per year, where it would reach $27.50 by the 2027/2028 academic year. A bit ambitious in these times. They reached too far.
  4. Hopefully leadership is doing some contingency planning. If all or most of these schools leave the AAC, then hopefully the MWC will revisit getting into Texas and possibly adding UNT and UTSA. That would be the better option at that point. This is all such a mess. https://www.si.com/college/stanford/football/acc-vetting-top-expansion-candidates-with-possible-departures-looming
  5. https://x.com/petethamel/status/1697624937333170287?s=61&t=_Ng89G5Wh6l2WPdBq__VNg
  6. https://x.com/joseph_duarte/status/1697625259363475559?s=61&t=_Ng89G5Wh6l2WPdBq__VNg
  7. That’s not how I recall it. AF and CSU were FOR it as they wanted schools in the central time zone and especially in Texas for recruiting. The MWC looked at UNT, UTSA, and Rice and had the media partners run the numbers. Craig Thompson, the commissioner at the time said it wouldn’t result in enough incremental value.
  8. Take flight to the AAC, ya’ll!!
  9. I wish I was as optimistic as most on this board, but I don’t see how this is good for the MWC or AAC. The PAC 12 brand has value, and presents the opportunity for the four remaining schools to align with the best academic schools in both the MWC and AAC. What I see possibly happening is this. California, Stanford, OSU, WSU, San Diego State, Air Force, CSU, SMU, Rice, and Tulane. That’s 10 to settle things down and a start. They could add a couple more now or later. CSU and Air Force get games in the central time zone and in Texas, which they’re on record as wanting.
  10. https://fb.watch/jLj_s2NE6k/
  11. No, we offer Ross Hodge and hope he accepts.
  12. When I hit the link to wccsports.com I only get a still image of the game that’s frozen. Refreshing doesn’t help. Anyone else with that problem?
  13. Anyone have additional background on this? I’ve always known about the collaboration between the two schools, but didn’t know the plan was for UNT to cede the new medical school away completely. What was in it for us then? https://fwtx.com/news/tcuunthsc-school-now-officially-tcu-school-of-medicine/
  14. I believe we changed the name of the Mean Green Club due to provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The law impacts what qualifies as charitable giving, and the way the Club was structured would’ve rendered our contributions non-deductible for tax purposes. That’s why it’s now billed as a scholarship fund, and advertised as such, so that we get to keep the tax write-off.
  15. "I am from Denton, Texas, and I will never let you or anybody else forget that," George said in a 1985 interview. "I am a small-town girl from a small town and a small-town family. If I hadn't come from Denton, I wouldn't be sitting here right now with this great job and my great husband and my beautiful children." Phyllis George
  16. We both work in the travel industry, which of course has been crushed. My spouse has been furloughed, and I’ve taken a temporary 25% pay cut. Hoping upon hope it doesn’t get worse for us.
  17. Additional leagues taking action. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaab/2020/03/10/big-west-mac-hoops-tournaments-closed-to-fans-coronavirus/5016131002/
  18. Yep. An email went out today and the pick up event is after the women’s game from 5:00 to 6:30.
  19. Called the ticket office just now. Season tickets will be available at will call at the first game on November 5th. They said they no longer mail them. I asked if I could come by and pick them up but was told they wouldn’t be ready to pick up until the 3rd, which is odd since that’s a Sunday when they won’t be open, and two days before the first game. Oh well, but this is a bush league way to handle things. Same thing last year and when I got to will call they didn’t have my tickets printed. We stood around waiting and missed the first ten minutes of the game.
  20. Admitting up front I’m no expert, but can someone explain to me why McCasland sometimes screams at/reminds Woolridge and Gibson to hold back beyond the arc and wait until 15 seconds are left on the shot clock before we start to drive to the bucket? We did this when there was barely 2 minutes left in the game, were rushed and ended up turning it over. I don’t understand it unless you’re sitting on a big lead in the second half, but he does this regularly. Why?
  21. About to lose our second straight. Rice is on fire and we just don’t have it tonight. Play like this against UAB next Thursday and we’ll lose our third straight.
  22. Not sure how that worked when the stream is behind the radio broadcast?
  23. So are those announcers just yapping away unaware they can’t be heard?
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