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Mad Hatter

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Everything posted by Mad Hatter

  1. Think it'll be pay-per-view live and then tape delayed for the replay? Seems like that happened with the UT game last year or the Oklahoma game the year before.
  2. Maybe they took it down so they could do the endzones and mid-field without anyone seeing it?
  3. How's Corona Henderson doing? He was a monster in Spring drills and he has a great first name.........yes I know it's not REALLY spelled like that, but the average college fan could really jump on the Corona bandwagon.
  4. 2 questions 1) What did he say? 2) Why the bleep! isn't he at practice?
  5. How many of the preferred walk-ons can we take? There are a lot listed with good size. I'm getting so pumped for this season. Can't wait for more practice notes! If you don't have the Mean Green Report, you really need to scrounge up the $50, it's well worth it.
  6. Were those all at the new Athletic Facility? In the outdoor shots, the background looked really nice and new. Good for publicity. I liked the banner behind Coach Dickey.
  7. "There were some times last year when the play would start early on, and one of the coaches would say, 'Where in the hell is he going?'" Dickey said. "Then we'd look up and say, 'Apparently, he's headed toward the end zone.'" That's freakin hysterical!
  8. OK - Who can teach me how to post pictures? Does it matter if it's a jpeg or gif or tif?
  9. My wife found a place in Dallas to get custom cheerleading outfits made; turned out pretty well if I must say so myself! Sure has gotten our daughter excited about the football season! What time is it? Game Time! Who you with? I'm with you! cheerleader
  10. [ Heard from 2 reliable sources recently that a high ranking NT official believes we will be in a new football stadium in 4 years--not 5 years--not 50 years The MeanGreenSports website has a scheduled completion date of 2009 for the new stadium. Of course this could just be wishful thinking, but I thought it was a pretty positive sign that at least SOMETHING would happen by then.
  11. I still like the old X Line hat and will continue to wear mine, but I'll also pick up one of the new green ones.
  12. How about keylime pie with lots of green food coloring. That's about my favorite dessert ever.
  13. anyone want to go watch Sunday the 14th? It's early but we could still practice tailgating.
  14. My wife just went to the Lids in the Galleria and they didn't have it yet. Hope they get it soon. Maybe it was a Hat World and she was just confused.
  15. With 100 women, they should have advertised the heck out of the Mean Green Club. They could have stressed what a great tool it is, and I bet they could have sigend some folks up right then.
  16. I'd love to get a shirt with that design on the front and in the new green....when I was in a few weeks ago, they didn't ahve much selection in the kelly green.
  17. "I got $20 Bucks!"
  18. Wow!! That's a lot more than I would have guessed. Looks like there's definitly a market for these at North Texas. that's pretty exciting. I'd guess they'll probably try to host one of these every year from now on. Way to go Mrs. Coach Dickey!!!
  19. Went to the UNT bookstore 2 weeks ago - they had some new stuff. I got a T-shirt that is the new green with white print. It doesn't have the new Eagle which bugged me, but I wanted to get something new. I'll have to check back for shirts with the eagle. They had some with them on there, but the shirts were all white, grey or black. What's up with that?
  20. If I was on a Safari, I'd shoot a firefox....if I saw one.......What's a firefox? And who am I kidding, I'll never go on a Safari.
  21. Love me some Chicken Alfredo
  22. My wife and I bought season tickets the past 2 years, this year, we bought the family 4 pack for our 3yr old daughter and 7 month old to go with us and be counted as attending. We get a free pizza at every game, and the daughter is in the Junior MGC again for the second year. She liked meeting Scrappy. Still trying to convince the wife to do the MGC for us, but I think she's breaking down. Hopefully this year if not next year. GMG!!!
  23. I was flipping channels last night and came upon the North/South All Star game mid way throught eh 3rd quarter. I watched for a while, but no one they mentioned was going to NT. Did anyone else see it? Did we have any players? GMG!!!
  24. Just a question that maybe someone knows the answer to. Would it have been possible to make the Fouts endzone bleachers moveable? What I mean is that say you anchor the side that connects to the regular stands, but then have the ability to swing the stands in over the track during games. That way the folks int eh endzones are a lot closer to the action? Maybe it would have jsut cost too much? Or damaged the track? It sure would make the stadium look a little better. GMG!!!
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