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Mad Hatter

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Everything posted by Mad Hatter

  1. Welcome to the board - officially. And thanks for getting something organized for our fellow alums! GMG!!!
  2. Any other thoughts? How did Meager look? My daughter got her Jr Mean Green Club stuff in the mail yesterday. Her Football buddy is J-Mo! I'm so pumped! She's 3 years old and I don't think she grasps the situation.
  3. It's so hard to imagine. I've been watching news coverage that showed the refugees walking up the ramp outside the Super Dome, and I keep thinking "I was there", "on that very ramp". Those people are the same folks we saw when we were down there. Been thinking about them all day. Hope everyone makes it out OK. God be with them.
  4. Do we know about TJ's academic status yet?
  5. Scrimmage is at 8am over off loop 288 at the Denton HS facility I think.
  6. All of those dorms add up to right around $61 million. Couldn't we just let kids sleep in the bleachers or something and use those funds for the new stadium? I mean come on! Let's think outside the box a little.
  7. I see on highlight reels of other "Big" schools who have pretty good crowds on hand to watch their team's scrimmage. I think it would really be a boost to the players to see a great turn out. I know some of you will be getting ready for the BBQ, so I suppose that's a good excuse to miss. I'm planning on going, and am trying to convince a couple of friends to go with me. Who else is planning on making it up? GMG!!!!
  8. The first year I bought season tickets I didn't know about the discount. Then one of my buddies mentioned it last summer, and I immdeiatley called and they said "Oh sure, you can get the discount" . What a sweet deal. This year we bought a family pack which comes with a Domino's pizza and 4 drinks for every home game. Buy season tickets! They're really not very expensive at all. Especially you recent grads. There's no reason that you can't afford $50 for 5 games, and you'll really help the program out.
  9. Thanks tsufan. We're pretty excited about the upgrade to Fouts, and the players have to be pleased. Good luck to you this year.
  10. Has anyone heard of a walk-on Offensive Lineman named Cody Erwin? He went to my high school and I just read in the DMN that he's a walk-on at North Texas. GMG!!!
  11. So that is 8 AM? As in the morning? and is this the Denton HS complex where they had the spring game? Either way I'm going.
  12. That's awesome that the University sent out an email to everyone to let them know. Now I just hope this translates into ticket sales. GMG!!!
  13. when do we find out if the guys made grades or not? I know teacher's have to post grades by a certain time, but couldn't they go to Dickey and say "Hey this guy made it" or "This guy didn't make it". Maybe they did and that's why they're all practicing. I'm so confused
  14. seems like last year I got them about a week before the start of the season
  15. Careful what you post, it might cost us a game? Or is this just paranoia? GMG!! A&M coach Franchione also wary of Internet 10:39 AM CDT on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 By RACHEL COHEN / The Dallas Morning News COLLEGE STATION, Texas – Texas A&M coach Dennis Franchione, whose practices are closed, understands Texas coach Mack Brown's concerns about fans attending and then posting information on the Internet. In fact, any such Longhorns tidbits would probably reach Franchione. On Franchione's desk each morning is everything written on the Web about A&M's opponents. Franchione said most of the information isn't useful, but occasionally there's a valuable nugget. Franchione has been on the other side. A day before his Alabama team's game at Oklahoma in 2002, Franchione told players he planned to open with an onside kick. One told his parents, and it made it to the Internet. Alabama still used the play, and it still worked.
  16. What time is the scrimmage on Saturday? I may be able to get the wife and family to go with me. Will it be at the new practice fields as well? Plus - Can I take my camera? Or is that forbidden?
  17. Not to hijack thead, but is the roster idea something somebody would want to do? Put "Provided by GoMeanGreen.com" across the top or bottom just to get the name out there. I saw a couple of parents there Saturday too, they might be interested in getting on here. Plus let's make sure to put the banner up at the tailgating this year. Maybe even at the BBQ on Saturday?
  18. The year BK made the top 100, didn't we have bobble-heads made? I need one for PC now, oh heck give me one for J-Mo too........and Johnny "The Mighty" Quinn........that's all.......oh and one for Bazaldua.
  19. I went to practice on Saturday and was speaking with an old football coach who moved to Denton to be around his grandkids. He didn't go to NT, but likes football so he's become a BIG fan. We were both saying how great a roster would be. How much would it cost for Gomeangreen.com to sponsor some rosters and give them out to folks at practice? Would be great publicity for the website and would provide an invalueable service for the true die-hard fans that go out to watch practice. This website is really what got me so addicted to NT athletics. Before, I would go to the games and read about NT in the paper (if there was a story) but other than that I was a more casual fan.....didn't buy season tickets. I think the more people we get hooked to this website the better our overall situation becomes. If we could get some more die-hard fans to come on here and maybe spread the word to their friends it would just snowball. Anyway - Just trying to think of ways to advertise and build fan support. Any body else have any ideas? The rosters would be cheap. How much is a ream of paper?
  20. Why is Chris Simms holding up 1 finger with one hand and 2 fingers with the other? Couldn't he have just held up 3 fingers on one hand? Or was he trying to say "we're #1 or #2 - just take your pick"?
  21. great write up! Nice to see some people stepping up the game on Defense.
  22. I would think that the next big project for athletics would be the stadium. We can worry about the indoor practice facility when we're selling out home games vs UT and OU etc....
  23. ---In 2003 Perry called all those sessions to redistrict the state and increase his party's power.... besides the opposition l party losing in the deal, there now are almost no representatives that represent rural Texas anymore. If only everyone had agreed to stay in the state to do their jobs there wouldn't have been a need for those special sessions. People in rural Texas still have representatives. This is gonna get locked down so fast.
  24. My 3 year old daughter likes to say "Way to go Bazzy"
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