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Mad Hatter

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Everything posted by Mad Hatter

  1. "A smash mouth offense MAY work for us in the Belt, but against other D1 conferences it is just not working." I think you may be on to something. I wonder if our coaches don't approach these games to win (not that they don't WANT to), but that they use these games as ways to get ready for conference. W need our O-Line to know the right schemes/blocks to run J-Mo up the middle when we get to SBC play. Could it be that rather than going out of their way to try to win these games, they're using them to be ready for conference? If this is the case, what's more improtant? OOC wins or SBC wins? Troy has had good luck in OOC wins but struggles with SBC, they seem to be the darling of the conference though. Everyone wants to be like them. But if you can win conference, you go to a bowl which is big for students, alumni, boosters, etc..... What do you think?
  2. Now they think Phillips is going in? Have they run the option at all? Haven't heard it. What is going on with this offense?
  3. The soccer program gives me hope for the rest of athletics. 2 trips to the NCAA Tournament is pretty good, even if they didn't win when they got there. We're starting to get some recognition and that can't hurt. With the faciites we have and a more energetic student body I think NT athletics are on the rise. Hopefully the success at soccer spills over into other sports.
  4. GO MEAN GREEN!!!! or as my one year old would say, "Mean, N, T, uga!!!"
  5. I thought we were going to be getting new uniforms that were close to that color green? What happened to that idea?
  6. Denver - You still live in Lakewood? I grew up in that area - Went to Lakewood, Long and Woodrow. After NT I moved back down to Dallas....not in Lakewood yet. I'm currently over in Old Lake Highlands.
  7. it's on my channel 3 in Dallas. It's kTXA21
  8. Anyone else watching this? Why don't we get more kids out of these schools?
  9. Hey Chad! Welcome to the board! We appreciate your support! GMG!!!!
  10. Looks like we're getting Loren back. When is Graves supposed to be healthy?
  11. Sounds like he's kind of pi$$ed? Or maybe just doesn't like his chances of ever playing there?
  12. I got to work at Merrill Lynch in Dallas around 7:30 that morning. In the top right corner of our computer screen there was a TV, usually turned to the Money Channel. I had the sound on Mute as I got prepared for my day, but I remember thinking that they were spending a long time showing a factory with a smoke stack billowing smoke. Few minutes later my boss walked by and said "Hey turn on your TV's, some idiot crashed a plane into one of the WTC towers." I turned on the sound and expanded my picture to full screen so I could see clearly what was on. I called my Dad who is a minister in Sachse (outside Garland). He was in the car, and I was telling him to be sure to turn on the Tv when he got to Church. As we were talking, the second plane hit. I told my Dad that there had been another explosion I thought in the same building (bad camera angle), then the picture quickly changed and I could see that it was the 2nd tower. I said "I'm going into one of the bigger offices that has a TV, but that can't be an accident". I hurried with the rest of the guys to one of the corner offices, where we sat and watched the footage. When the towers collapsed and we learned of the Washington and the Pennsylvania crash, our manager told us all to go home. As I got back to my desk, my TV screen was frozen. On it was the first tower beginning to collapse. Just suspended there. Apparently our signal/internet connection was fed through one of the buildings. It was so eerie to see the smoke and the partially collapsed building just hanging there. The next few days were so bizarre. No one spoke of anything else. American flags turned up on every house and car. There were no planes in the air. I still catch myself wondering where a plane is headed when I look up in the sky.
  13. Is FSU over rated this year? I didn't watch, but wasn't there game with Miami less than exciting? Then struggling with Troy? Now I know Troy has a good program with a history of playing OOC games tough, I'm just wondering if maybe FSU shouldn't be ranked so high. Thoughts? By the way, that game along with ULM's close one against Kansas has me really excited about this years Sun Belt. Maybe we can start to shed the Suck Belt image?
  14. I like El Presidente. Someone said that already, and it gave me a good laugh.
  15. I did see some recruits being escorted out of the players tunnel onto the field. Couldn't tell anything about them, but I was pleased that they were there.
  16. Oh Yeah - I forfot about the "Cash Beats Trash" sign that some SMU tailgaters were sporting. I expected a little more class. Oh well. Where did Germaine Dawson come from? He's had a good couple of games. Glad to see the Defense getting some of it's swagger back. It seemed to be missing last year.
  17. I'm back from the game. Kind of disappointed we didn't have a sell out, but the Student side was packed and they didn't sit the entire game. I REALLY expected more SMU fans to show. I've seen Arkansas State bring more people. Why does their band dress like Mr. Peppermint? Huge fan of Woody! (Can I say that?.......sounds wrong.) Quinn was money tonight....guess the broken hand isn't bothering him. It was also good to see J-Mo get some yards late in the game. Finally a team was thinking we might pass, and when they weren't worried about that, they were worried about our QB making a play. I Like Woody! (Nope - Can't say it without giggling.) Why aren't there fans in the rest rooms? Why aren't there trash cans in the Jr. Mean Green Zone? I had both my girls there in their Mean Green cheer leading outfits, and they were really excited about being there. Then they got to high-5 some of the players in the tunnel and they thought they were really special. All in all it was a good family experience. Why don't the Budweiser folks ever bring enough free beer for those listening to Beerman? There were a couple SMU guys getting beer, and I overheard a NT student say "What are you doing getting our free beer? Don't you have enough money to buy your own?" It was pretty funny. I'm still worried about next week against Tulsa, but I feel better about it than I did this morning. Any other experiences?
  18. TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT TIME IS IT?!?!?!?
  19. I'm glad to see someone pumped about the D. Personally, I'm excited to see what our offense can do against someone other than the Defending National Champs. I think regardless of who's under Center, we'll still do a heck of a lot better. J-Mo should have a BIG game. GMG!!!!
  20. ElGuapo Together we........Raped the Horses! YEAH!!!! And rode off on their women!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!! and........... Pruned......the hedges......of many small villages. Who the He!! are you?
  21. We've got the Family 4 pack. I've got 2 little girls (4 and 1 and a half). And yes, the sun sucks.
  22. Yeah - He's in the parking lot, on the Students side of Fouts Field. Right by the entrance to the locker rooms.
  23. We're technically in Section H, and have been for the past 3 years. We've yet to sit in those seats, since we always end up on the Student sidedown in the corner by the players tunnel.......I don't know why.......Habit I guess. GMG!!!
  24. Beerman starts at 3:30 Last year we got there at 3:30 for a 6pm game, and we had to park over at Clark Hall. This year, we're getting there between 2 and 2:30 to hopefully avoid the walk.
  25. Signs out everywhere is a big improvement from when I was there in the late 90's. At least the students KNOW there's a game. The school can't do a whole lot to create a buzz other than let everyone know what's going on. If the students are excited about it, THAT will create the buzz. The Talons can do a lot to talk about it in class and put up more signs etc....
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