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Everything posted by CorinthEagle

  1. The phantom shot clock thing was certainly interesting. The thing that got me was that with 10 minutes gone in the game there were already 15 fouls on the board. I think the guys were trying to break in new whistles or something. Another note from the game.....wasn't it hilarious to watch the fat ASU fan in the front row getting all worked up? When Scrappy got in front of him and started rubbing his eyes like he was crying I cracked up.
  2. don't know about soylent but SUMG is over on the "bitter board"
  3. Can someone let me know what goes on in the Mean Green Room? Is it like the deck at Fouts where you have the food and drinks, drinks only, or just people getting together? Haven't made it early enough to a game to check it out but I'm planning on doing that Sat. Any info would be helpful. GMG!
  4. Go the main athletics site, they'll have a schedule up. If I remember correctly, students DO get in free just like the football games.
  5. I'll be there with a couple of friends.
  6. It never ceases to amaze me how this board can turn negative at the strangest times. First you have the bitter little man Scottie posting his "article", then comes the "well we're winning but not exciting" argument, now in the midst of gearing up for a bowl game we have "the athletic director isnt getting things done". Compared to where this university has been there is SO much to be happy about and reason to be optimistic about the future. Lets enjoy this folks!!!
  7. Kind of a disappointing home non-conference schedule. I guess that's what happens when you have some success, no one wants to come here anymore.
  8. Anytime you add someone from the greatness of Navarro College you can't go wrong!
  9. The Perkins deal is a good example of what has the fans there unhappy. Just like Wagner was a one and done deal, this guy probably won't even be there...or at best stay one year. Folks up there seem to be a little embarrassed at what he is turning them into. The Escalades for players is a little interesting too.
  10. I'm up in Memphis on business this week and tuned to the sports talk station here. A caller brought up Memphis basketball and the city's "dissatisfaction" with Calipari..ie recruiting, image, etc... The host of the show said that while Calipari might be a better recruiter, Johnny Jones was a much better bench coach in his opinion. I doubt that any of us who witnessed the turnaround at the Superpit last year would disagree, but I wanted to pass it along.
  11. So are the students going to be taking all the courtside seats? Anything that would make it more raucous in there would be welcomed. Of course those weren't my seats anyway I have to be careful not to yell too loud and wake up the blue hairs around me.
  12. I don't remember us beating SMU. I believe you are thinking of the A&M game at the Pit which UNT won by 6 or so? If nothing else it was great to shut up those obnoxious aggies!!
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