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Everything posted by CorinthEagle

  1. This is great! My wife and I are expecting our first child on Oct 29th and I was trying to figure out how I could sneak out for a few hours to catch the game that night!
  2. I've got 1 maybe 2 I can get my hands on for now.
  3. I went to that game last night since I am in Tulsa on business. I was sitting in the stands thinking a few things.... 1.) I finally found a stadium WORSE than Fouts. (have to park along the streets in the neighborhood and wooden benches for seats that are crumbling apart) 2.) Jamario and Patrick "should" be able to have a big day against this defense 3.) Tulsa's offense is diverse enough they could cause our D some problems 4.) My gosh the ENTIRE MN defense is FAST!!!!!!! I still think we should win this one, but I think it might be very close.
  4. no disrespect but why wouldn't it be allowed? Its football season.
  5. I was told they would be going out early this week.
  6. Their presidents were swayed by the privates. Aren't we all?
  7. With the way the WAC is spread from Ruston to Hawaii and now a possible bowl in Canada, they should change to the World Athletic Conference. Take off eh.
  8. I agree. I was afraid there would be 9 or 10 tops that showed. Thats great!
  9. Probably just the cynic in me but thats the first thing that crossed my mind as well.
  10. I watched that game on ESPNU the other night and couldn't believe how lucky Troy was. I'm not trying to belittle them, but from the game breaks that were happening last fall I thought they were really sticking it to LSU. LSU was pretty much just sticking it to themselves.
  11. Please Lord let football season get here quickly.
  12. he should be good for the fall but the arm didn't pass summer school. Not sure how the NCAA is going to rule on this one.
  13. They've got a lot of faith in Hal Mumme turning NM State around quickly don't they? I wouldn't have them ahead of La Tech
  14. Wait a minute here!!!!! This article mentions the "top" of the WAC but that doesn't include LaTech? Has to be a misprint right? I mean the bullcrapdogs have that reputation as a giant killer remember? They beat someone back in '92 or something that they keep bringing up as reason to distance from the sunbelt correct?
  15. The uni's from what 4 or 5 years ago look real nice though
  16. hey they just can't give seat cushions out to anyone who's seats are covered in tar can they? Its not unreasonable for them to ask for id before they do that is it? come on, they have a job to do!! <_<
  17. I can't wait to see what the crowd at the tourney is going to look like for the games not involving NT. Heck, I might be able to get a seat on the bench for those games.
  18. greatness
  19. I 2nd, 3rd, and 4th that opinion.
  20. you left off Micah Bracy!!!!
  21. Anyone else having trouble convincing your wife that the superpit really is a romantic place to spend valentine's day? If you've found anything that has worked please let me know.
  22. Genius again from GMG's prodigal son. its greatness because it's so "inside" Also since we are on the subject, Pit Crew has really added a lot to the experience this year. I crack up almost every game watching those folks.
  23. I was really impressed by UALR tonight. They seemed like a much quicker and more physical team than NT is. That being said, I was really surprised how our guys fought to get back in the game after being down by 14. Great effort, just needed a few more shots to fall. I also agree with Emmitt, Hines not getting an over the back call when he went for the rebound in the last minute of the game was unbelievable. That guy was all over him.
  24. whew! From the subject line of the post I thought Shane had gone over to the Green Grenade style of postings!!!!
  25. With everything going on I was pissed BEFORE the game started, and then it just got worse. To start with, the folks at the deck didn't seem to know which end was up. They let us in but didn't have any tickets out and the mailer had said something about the "bar" being able to take cash so we figured that was the reason. We go to the "bar" to get some water and the arse smarted off to my Dad and Wife because they didn't have tickets. We go BACK to the table and Dolly Dingbat couldn't figure out which tickets were for drinks and which were for food which shouldn't have mattered anyway because the food didn't arrive till 5:15 or so. Get to the seats and have tar all over the place. I have 8 seats, 4 of us were there the other 4 were on I-35 heading to the game. Had to practically sign over my life to get 1 cushion for the people that would soon be there. 3rd quarter go to get water and voila!! Concessions stands are out!! Who would have ever thought there might actually be people at a UNT game that would get thirsty!!! They sure like to beg for our money, but apparently return on investment (not talking about the football team) for us doesn't factor very highly for them. I decided Sat night I was going to write RV then just figured it was pointless. Ok enough ranting thanks for the vine.
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