here's my $ .02 which is probably not worth even that much. The difference I see between Jones and Dickey is that Jones doesn't take every broadcast opoprtunity to complain about his facilities or what they are up against at NT. Jones doesn't kiss up to the fans per se, but he doesn't get sidetracked into a "whoa is me" conversation. Dickey made it him versus the fans, Jones hasn't done that. (to my knowledge anyway) I think if Dickey would have done his interviews without badmouthing the institution then some of the venom spewed here and elsewhere wouldn't be quite as harsh. I'm not saying the losing (or even loosing for that matter )doesn't chew on us, but if you are going to talk bad about MY school and say that even though myself and several thousand others bother to show up on Sat it's still "the team against the world" then you better be ready to hear some criticism when you screw up.