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Everything posted by CorinthEagle

  1. I don't think it's lack of a killer instinct. It seemed to me that Troy started creeping back into the game when our guys started to try a little razzle dazzle instead of being patient. One trip down comes to mind where Brown tried to bounce a pass off the backboard for Simpson to dunk. Simpson couldn't get to it and Troy comes down and hits a three if I remember correctly. This was right after the spectacular behind the back pass that Watkins executed so it looked like everyone wanted to get in on the act. Made it exciting for the fans there, but also made it a nailbiter toward the end. See everyone Sat, and bring 5 friends with you!!
  2. If this has been covered before and I missed it please excuse me. Last year on signing day there was a "meeting" fans could attend at the athletic center where the coaches talked about the new recruits and showed video of them. Does anyone know if that is going to be repeated this year?
  3. UALR has put several players in the NBA. Just because you've never heard of them doesn't really mean that much, you just aren't that into basketball. If the guys at the station cause you that much worry, maybe you should try ignoring them or just relaxing and getting that inferiority chip off your shoulder.
  4. well that certainly explains why a police officer was stationed behind the ooh-la-la bench during their game here.
  5. don't know that I agree with NT being favored in this one but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  6. He has that same effect on me just watching him play.
  7. I vote for outscoring them.
  8. The green pimp suit holds you back.
  9. and thank goodness for that
  10. Some mock drafts have him #3 overall meaning he is the #2 QB. Not a lot of room for improvement there is there? I hope all the JRs and SRs at UT declare for the draft since NT opens there next year!!
  11. How many national championships or super bowls has Vick won? Not saying Young is better but don't overrate the guy in Atlanta. I don't get all this bitterness get over it. UT won, good for them. I'm not changing from green to orange but hey I'm happy for them. I think it was Adler that posted about his experiences in Austin and I agree, the fans there have been fine. OU and Ark I can't say the same for.
  12. and #5 ASU beat us by how much?
  13. Unfortunately for the Belt I'll be surprised if it's this close.
  14. a little light rain in lewisville this morning, nothing here in las colinas yet.
  15. I think the liquor is talking in that post.
  16. I love the victim role being played out here. I sit just down the row from these knuckleheads. I can't remember if there was cussing or not but they were the most annoying overbearing people I have ever had the displeasure of being around. I will admit I laughed out loud to your line of being really concerned while talking to RV.
  17. How does Turner Gil keeping popping up as the future head coach of "insert school name here". He was also a shoe-in for the AD job here before RV right?
  18. [Also, it may have had something to do with the helmet change. Bring back "The Script". I didn't want to be the first one to mention it but I think you are on to something.
  19. here's my $ .02 which is probably not worth even that much. The difference I see between Jones and Dickey is that Jones doesn't take every broadcast opoprtunity to complain about his facilities or what they are up against at NT. Jones doesn't kiss up to the fans per se, but he doesn't get sidetracked into a "whoa is me" conversation. Dickey made it him versus the fans, Jones hasn't done that. (to my knowledge anyway) I think if Dickey would have done his interviews without badmouthing the institution then some of the venom spewed here and elsewhere wouldn't be quite as harsh. I'm not saying the losing (or even loosing for that matter )doesn't chew on us, but if you are going to talk bad about MY school and say that even though myself and several thousand others bother to show up on Sat it's still "the team against the world" then you better be ready to hear some criticism when you screw up.
  20. um no....if you sat near him you really wouldn't.
  21. Someone reopen the pharmacy in Parker County so PMG can get back on his medication.
  22. It was some arse on row 40 in section E. He was the typical idiot that he yells whenever anything goes bad but as soon as a play works he won't say a word. Annoying doesn't go far enough to describe this knucklehead.
  23. Hey Silver, was your selection as "fan of the game" or whatever it was during the 2nd half happen completely randomly or was this a "kiss and make up" gesture after the Flanigan fiasco? I could only imagine the look on Ramon's face when he looked up and saw you on the video screen.
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