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Everything posted by CorinthEagle

  1. Here's the burning question that needs to be answered though. Will the kettle korn stand be there? It's not Mean Green football without having a big bag of kettle korn!
  2. Hopefully big weather will hold off so they can get this in. It's certainly looking pretty iffy out there now.
  3. Not to bust any bubbles here, but they do that every year. The cover has every team in the tourney represented one way or another.
  4. My wife is an alum of Tech so we get their alumni newsletters. The current edition has the "Tech 2020" plan for upgrading their athletics, etc... It's going to be interesting to see if they can pull it off. Of course to all of us it makes sense for them to join the Sunbelt, but I think if it was reversed and we were in the WAC with a team that had just played in a BCS bowl we might feel the same as they do now.
  5. They never quit when they could have. While you never like losing I don't think you can be anything other than proud of these guys. Anyone know when the charter gets back to town?
  6. Who was the knucklehead photog that decided to come to a NORTH TEXAS selection party and wear his UT shirt? A sea of green and this yahoo has to bring the burnt orange into it. Even if you aren't a fan have at least a little respect huh?
  7. Glad to see that I'm not the only sad delusional person that thinks about this every time I see the jackpot get way up there, I thought I was slipping. How bout we all put a dollar a week in towards lotto tickets and build gomeangreen.com stadium? We could even throw Fry's name on there to satsify Plummer.
  8. Not as much as you think. It's true Davison pretty much owns Tech, but if you think NT's giving has been bad in the past few years we look great compared to them. It does look like the new regime is having the same type of effect in Ruston as ours is having in Denton. They've kind of put their AD out to pasture which is something that was sorely needed as well.
  9. I agree with putting someone on the inbounds pass. Howerton is tall and can move pretty well, why wasn't he jumping around in front of that guy? The other thing that kind of bothered me during the game was Bo getting his 4th foul with something like 10 minutes to go. Why wouldn't you just go at him every time down the floor? He's a great player and it might not have worked, but after the way he has lit us up everytime we play I'd take my chances. It seemed like they backed off.
  10. I believe WKU would be OOC as well. Aren't they just beginning the transition to Div 1?
  11. It's an easy 2 1/2 hour drive from Denton. I'm not giving those Okies any more money than I have to! Besides I want to be able to get back and see the partying on campus after the big upset!!!
  12. I saw the "Redeemer" video at our church a year or so ago. There wasn't a dry eye in the house when it was done. As corny as this sounds, that video was one of the things that inspired me to run my first marathon in December.
  13. If I remember correctly they did something "similiar" to this during the day a couple of years ago. Of course coach Dickey sent in an assistant to go over the recruits with the people that had taken the time to get to Denton.
  14. Have some class.
  15. sorry we don't do logos or branding around here for less than $ 30K
  16. I've got to share some of this e-mail I received this morning. This guy lives in Atlanta ................... Anyway, so Miss Texas makes it to the top ten and she's this really beautiful African American from Plano. So they do the interview ... And this year Chris Matthews was one of the judges, so it was like a press conference grilling. But they asked her what her favorite nursery rhyme was and she said Cinderella. And Matthews says, "Ten girls have already said that." But she said, "When I entered this competition, I had $200 to my name. Through this experience winning Miss Texas, I have a $13,000 scholarship which will allow me to graduate from North Texas ..." Then she said she was dressed in all black as a show of support for former football coach Dickey ...
  17. The Wal-Marts around Denton and Hickory Creek used to have the mini helmet air fresheners. Those are bigger than what you are talking about but they are about as close as you are going to get I think.
  18. well he was until one of the students told him he was being out-taught then all heck broke loose.....or lose depending on who's reading this.
  19. Come on guys this is a message board, if a player chooses a school other than your own you are supposed to rip him or say that we never really offered or wanted him. What's with this high road you all are taking? Haven't you been reading about all the other recruits that chose NT over others? Get with it folks! before I get ripped this is sarcasm folks.
  20. Am I the only one that has to pinch himself now and then to make sure he isn't dreaming all this? The caliber of players that are committing to NT now is amazing.
  21. He's used that same line before when talking about his asst coaches, etc... I think we are all glad he's gone, but lets give this a rest. He didn't take any shots at NT (other than the usual money game statements) so why don't we call a cease fire and quit taking shots at him?
  22. Of course, he followed Vince Lombardi aren't internet search engines great?
  23. He stirred the pot in Atlanta this year but I don't see it as anything out of the ordinary. nice choice of words However, this situation is really stupid. The guy makes millions of dollars a year, why risk your reputation on a few dollars worth of weed??? For that matter why fly commercial?
  24. I grew up a Hog fan because of my grandfathers love for U of A but after the treatment we got in Little Rock a few years back there is absolutely zero chance of me ever trying to go see them play again. Oklahoma is light years ahead of those inbred idiots.
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