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Everything posted by GreenBat

  1. This is a good one, but it should read "Omega watches -- When I'm busy training I still have appointments to meet. Especially the one at 4:20."
  2. You're right, I wasn't paying attention. I just watched the entire game. It wasn't the bigs that controlled. It was driving to the hoop and dishing that WKU couldn't handle. But you're right I wasted two hours of my night by watching a game, which I already knew the outcome of before it started. I'll find something else to do whenever NT is playing. Because there is a better than 90 percent chance that JJ will coach the game away.
  3. Or anything resembling a coach. I've never seen a coach that was so dead set on going away from what is working all game (GOING INSIDE) to shooting jumpshots(MOSTLY 3-POINT BOMBS). Or leaving a selfish player (COLLIN DENNIS) on the court in critical situations. Dennis passed up a wide open Tramiel to miss the last shot of the game.
  4. Channel 617 on Directv. Starts at 7 p.m.
  5. Why would you want to throw a chicken in RVs basket? Are you attempting to start a new game called Basket Fowl?
  6. Is that a Valid Student ID. Or will any Valid ID work?
  7. YOU are not football related...perhaps YOU should be moved...
  8. Grapevine Faith coach headed to Super Bowl Grapevine Faith Christian football coach Kris Hogan did something unusual in November by asking his team's fans to cheer for an opposing team. The coach's kindness resulted in something else unusual: an invitation from NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to attend the Super Bowl. Hogan was scheduled to leave today for Tampa, Fla., where he will meet with Goodell and attend Sunday's game. He will also spend time later today at the Super Bowl's "radio row," where numerous radio stations want to talk to him about Grapevine Faith's Nov. 7 game against Gainesville State School, a juvenile correctional facility. Before the game, Hogan e-mailed parents of his players and asked some of them to sit in the stands on Gainesville State's side of the field and cheer for Grapevine Faith's opponent. He also asked the parents to create a spirit line for the opposing players, who normally have no fans to cheer for them, to run through before the game. Hogan even had copies of the Gainesville State roster distributed to fans so they could cheer for the players by name. The story attracted national attention, which Hogan said surprised him. "We never intended for this to go outside our fences," he said Tuesday. "It kind of saddens me that it got so much attention. We should all be used to people taking advantage of an opportunity to help another human life."
  9. Where was this information when Dubya proposed his stimulus package, which triggered the problem the country is in now. The President is just attempting to correct what was F'd up during the previous 8 years.
  10. No wonder everyone dislikes you. You're an Freakin Lawyer!!!
  11. I call Bull Stuff. I can believe up until he married a Navajo woman.
  12. AMEN to that brutha. I'll avoid any details, so the admins won't get upset.
  13. Occasionally, Occasionally -- You didn't say Occasionally?
  14. I've beem campaigning for THIS GUY forever. We need him badly. He would be a good candidate for a HC as well.
  15. Are Rucker's legal problems behind him? Is he still with the program? Can he keep his nose clean?
  16. While I happen to agree with you,Tobe was out of position on many plays, including some of those where he managed to make the tackle. He is more of a player that uses his instinct, rather than following his coaches directions. While that is not all bad, it tends to tick off the coaches.
  17. LOL That brings back memories.
  18. Then he gets my support, just like every Mean Green starting quarterback has. I might have hoped for the second string QB to get more playing time, but I always supported and cheered for the QB that the Head Coach decided on. And I will do the same next year, whether the starting QB is Riley, Nathan or someone else.
  19. See if the Athletic Department will let you in a game, but you don't want to pay for the ticket until the final two minutes of the game. If they will let you do that then I'd forgive them, but I don't think that will work. Brett (GreenBat) Tulloss
  20. Corrected your quote so KRAM1 want get upset.
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