I posted three questions: @ 11:04: What is the status of Forrest Rucker? Will he be with the team this year? No Response @ 11:28: In this day of instant information, why does the Denton Record-Chronicle and other media outlets have so much trouble getting information out of you and your coaches? Is it something the media is doing, but ever since you've taken the job you appear to be stand-offish? Why is that? No Response @ 11:39: Are you excited to see what the Jackson 4 (Hilbert, Jamaal, Jamel and Kelvin) bring to the table? Response @ 11:41 Coach Dodge: Haha, absolutely. Jamaal is very explosive. Fastest guy on the team, to be exact, and Kelvin is the stronest! Jamel will be a pretty potent kick returner, and Hilbert has a track background that will lend him well if he can see the field this year. We hope to bring him along slowly. _________________________________________________________- I asked question 1&3 under GreenBat. I asked Question 2 under my given name, Brett Tulloss. It would appear Rucker will not be back and that the DRC and other media outlets are going to continue to have problems getting a straight answer out of Dodge, RV and company.