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Posts posted by GreenBat

  1. It's all about a respectable record to get him through a fourth year.

    It's all about not wanting to pay off a contract.

    It's not about winning.

    If this is the case then we need another AD as well. Of course I've said this about the Pizza Man for the last nine years. #PizzaManMustGo

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  2. http://instagram.com/p/sbGbQCzTPe/

    After watching film it makes me sick that people are saying our QB's are the blame that we weren't successful as a offense against Texas. When truly I and my unit are the blame, I didn't play up to my capabilities. But this experience humbled me and my unit and we are hungrier than ever. I will never perform that way again. We will get back on top. I am an Oline man and we are the first to blame and the last to praise. #movingforward

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  3. I was unaware that Mac's dad took a huge dump on the Iowa program, blamed Iowa as a "no win scenario, and then got a free pass to sainthood from their fanbase cuz he was just "so darn classy".

    WTF are you talking about? Don't remember Todge ever bad mouthing the school or the program. Quite the opposite. My memory might be failing, but if you could offer examples of his "no win scenario" quotes. I'd obliged to change my mind.

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