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Everything posted by GreenBat

  1. There are 3 guys 6-10 and over at Kingdom Prep (ga.) Here is the school's athletic's facebook page. Not much info, but some nice pictures. https://www.facebook.com/kingdom.prep.1?fref=ts Here is NEO's basketball archives. Nkosi Ali seemed to be the starter. '0 NE Oklahoma A&M CC http://www.neoathletics.com/archives.aspx?path=mbball Chris Fontaine did not average many minutes http://www.lakeland.cc.il.us/athletics/mbasketball/player_profiles.cfm?id=300 http://stats.njcaa.org/sports/mbkb/2012-13/div1/players/chrisfontaineg1sw Giovanni Ellis was a freshman at Lake Land, but it says he's coming to the showcase. http://www.lakeland.cc.il.us/athletics/mbasketball/player_profiles.cfm?id=331 http://stats.njcaa.org/sports/mbkb/2012-13/div1/players/giovanniellisnajw Brandon Bilbija 6'10 says he played at Lake Land with Fontaine and Ellis No info on him. Not on roster on has any stats. Says Aaron Turner and Justin Phillipe are both 6-7. Navarro's roster disagrees. http://www.navarrocollege.edu/athletics/basketball/roster/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Navarro-College-Basketball/148965065130993
  2. Hope that means Idaho's D Line stinks at getting pressure on the QB, and the secondary is weak as well.
  3. Rick you are as mentally disturbed as this guy if you think I'd been in favor of letting this guy out, but as quoted in the story, "By law, the state says he cannot be kept in a mental institution indefinitely." This is a law that your Republican controlled Texas government has had plenty of time to alter, and make tougher. But just like the the fifth amendment says, "Due process." You should know that amendment well as it was tought in every political science class in high school. If objectionable writing was an offense that could cause someone to be locked up, I think a number of the people on this board, including you and I could be in trouble. But thoughts are not illegal, actions are. The courts have decided, I decision that I do not agree with, that this gentleman is not a threat to society. Looks like the Republican lawmakers of Texas have failed us again. Andrew I can't decide if your comment: "Background checks on all purchases of ball bearings, nails, and pressure cooker as well... Also we need to limit the amount of each an individual can purchase." is laughable or proof that or education system has failed. And MDH, I agree with you, but that's up to Harry, it's his board. and no one, is forced to read any post in any forum. Not sure why the original thread was locked, except the admins did not want to have to police the thread and have to lock it down because it would eventually turn into a Conservative vs. Liberal thread.
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  4. In what dimension does NT win 8 football games in 2013?
  5. Losing a recruit to Murray State I could understand, but ORU. Boy, recruiting this off-season is like a 6-year-old trying to push a fire engine uphill on ice!
  6. Heath Fulton School is TAPPS 1A and has an enrollment of 30. Not 30 in the senior class, that's 30 in grades 9-12. The basketball is about the quality of a good middle school A team. Not saying the kid can't play, he very well could be a hardwood Tim Tebow. But let him walk on and earn a Division I scholarship.
  7. Just like Right winger. Wants the Credit, but not willing to do any of the work.
  8. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/04/18/gun-lobby-funded-all-but-three-senators-who-voted-against-background-checks/
  9. http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/borowitzreport/2013/04/courageous-senators-stand-up-to-american-people.html
  10. Gunshot wounds cost around $2.5 billion per year. Tax payers pickup about $1.1 billion of the cost. Gunshot wounds are a major burden on the US health care system. Don't want background checks. How about mandatory insurance. You must have insurance when you own at automobile. Why can you carry an instrument that could cause a person to be maimed or die and not have insurance?
  11. My Bad I forgot, the other card the right plays. TELL LIES OVER AND OVER LOUDLY AND IT BECOMES FACT!
  12. What team in Div 2 would you consider a cupcake for next years team? For a cupcake win, NT might have to schedule a Division 3 team.
  13. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/serif?s=t
  14. This the most current info I could find. http://www.bizjournals.com/dallas/blog/2012/02/smu-tcu-and-unt-what-do-they-spend.html
  15. You know something about intelligent commentary? Start proving it by making an intelligent comment once, just once.
  16. Every police officer I've asked (eight, I'll provide their names and phone numbers for you if you wish, UNT90), DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT want more guns on the street, even if they are LEGALLY PURCHASED and maintained.
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/08/showbiz/annette-funicello-obit/index.html http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-remembering-annette-funicello-20130408,0,7241738.story
  18. http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=1800&ATCLID=207093360
  19. IG: pjhardwick ‏@PHardwick455m I got faith In The Lord,devil knocking at my doorstep rosary around my neck, I'm praying for the lord's help! ?
  20. No, UNT does not suck! It's a fantastic university that just happens to always have bad luck in athletics. There is nothing to do but suffer and dream of what could be.
  21. Just an observation. The wall is awfully close to the endline out of bounds. I hope the padding is really thick so no one gets injured.
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