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Posts posted by GreenBat

  1. I called yall dummies cause I'm a nice guy. I was thinking much worse tbh.

    Plus your mods enjoy banning me.

    No you call us dummies because you are a NutsaCK douche bag, who lives with his parents. My guess is graduated from Churchill or Alamo Heights. Applied to Texas State-San Marcos and got turned down. Chose to go to NutsaCK because he finally finished at San Antonio College and it was the only school that would accept all the transfer hours.

  2. It was me. Go back and read. I've never stated that it would be easy.

    But yes, I do believe we can and will be victorious.

    It will take everything we have. Razor sharp focus and execution will be the key. We will prevail.

    The doubt in those UNT minds of yours (we all know it exists, so might as well call it out) will slowly but surely start creeping in as the game progresses. Little by little, you'll see that UTSA is up to the challenge at hand... and little by little that doubt will continue to sink in, and slowly turn into disgust and sorrow, as the tick tock of the clock inevitably strikes zero.

    Damn, they must get some really good weed in San Antonio. No way nUTSAck prevails.

  3. OK so RowdyTalk has provided me with their execution list and on it included is:

    meangreen04 - MUST HAVE

    fussbudger - MUST HAVE



    All four of you are specifically being called on to participate in this contest. Speak now or forever hold your peace!

    Here is the link to their discussion of the wager: http://www.rowdytalk.com/showthread.php/4139-Offical-Wager-with-GoMeanGreen-com?p=39515#post39515

    I'm in. Not worried at all.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I must say, for a team that most of us are down on, I'm pleased the last 2 game threads have gotten over 100 posts. We sometimes had trouble doing that when we were winning. Just shows there's a hunger for the team to turn back around.

    Just goes to show ir's a bye week in football. And people, with the exception of UNT 90, is already tired of trashing nUTSAck.

  5. All Preseason Picks, but interesting anyway.

    Upcoming Games:

    Nicholls St. - Picked to finish 8th out of 12 in the Southland

    Columbia - Picked 8th of 8 in Ivy League

    Idaho - Picked 4th of 9 in WAC coaches poll (2nd in Media Poll)

    Portland - Picked 9 of 10 in WCC

    Incarnate Word - Not eligible for Southland Title 1st year Div 1

    SE Louisiana - Picked 6 of 12 in the Southland

    BYU - Picked 2nd out of 10 in WCC

    SF Austin - Picked 4 of 12 in the Southland

    C. Arkansas - Picked 10 of 12 in the Southland

    Wayland Baptist - NAIA

    Texas A&M - picked 9th of 14 in SEC

    UC Riverside - Picked 9 of 9 in Big West

    We have 12 OOC games left. This schedule at first glance is pretty favorable to us having a winning record going into the conference slate.

    Out of these games, I would only call 2 of them (BYU and A&M) a for sure loss. With that being said, you expect a couple of slip-ups along the way. So, I believe that unless the wheels truly have fallen off the bus, we should win 8 of the next 12 OCC games to bring our record to 9-5 to begin conference play.

    I promise not to proclaim the sky is falling in the OOC as long as we can reach this goal. This is an easy schedule. I think 9-5 is actually a lot of lee-way, but just trying to be optimistic.

    What do y'all think?

    I see 4 wins.

    Columbia, Portland, Incarnate Word, Wayland Baptist.

    • Upvote 1
  6. No need for childish word plays on either side. Let's agree to keep that crap out of the smack... And civilly talk ball.

    To that point, I'd like to point out the pressures the UNT players, coaches, and fans will certainly feel in this game... Lots to lose to a team everyone expects you to beat...Lots!

    How will that affect the play on the field? Surely, you can't be the guys that lose to a "community college"... Let that sink in.

    warcant, You call for a ceasefire after your school fired the first two dirt words. Last time I check nUTSAck is just something nuts are carried in. If your filthy mind turns it into something dirty, that's on you. And why are you "warcant" Cats eat birds?

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