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Everything posted by GreenBat

  1. That is an awesome cover from 1984. That's the great Vernon Wells Jr's work. He's a great artist. Hey Rick V, it's time for another Well's original to be done for UNT. JaMo would be great.
  2. Another failed seaon, whoopee. JJ has had more talent than most of the other Sunbelt teams and he's bowed out in the first round or not made the tournament. I will cheer for the men's & women's basketball teams, but until they PROVE they are contenders and not pretenders, I will not make the drive 53-mile one-way drive when there are tons of HS games where there is more effort given closer to home.
  3. Comes from a failed offense and a bad team, should fit right in at UNT. Maurice Carthon quits
  4. Plastic Sports-drink Bottle Knocked a High School Football Player Unconscious Freak accident knocks out teen BY JANICE MORSE | ENQUIRER STAFF WRITER MONROE – A freak accident with a nearly-empty plastic sports-drink bottle knocked a high school football player unconscious and put him in the hospital. Braden McMonigle, a 16-year-old junior who plays as a receiver on the Monroe High varsity team, was in good condition Tuesday at Miami Valley Hospital. But initially, paramedics who attended to him feared he had suffered a serious head injury, so a medical helicopter flew him to the hospital Monday afternoon, said Arnol Elam, Monroe schools’ superintendent. The incident, which occurred around 3:30 p.m. Monday at the school after a team meeting, left McMonigle’s teammates and school officials stunned and puzzled. “They were speechless,” Elam said about McMonigle’s teammates. Elam said he saw the plastic Gatorade bottle that a teammate nonchalantly tossed over his shoulder. Elam was incredulous that the bottle – which had only about quarter-inch of liquid left in it – knocked McMonigle unconscious when it struck him in the forehead, above his eye. “It’s so odd that that would cause that much damage,” Elam said. “He’s out there playing football, and we play some pretty physical teams – so to think that a Gatorade bottle could cause this, it’s just unbelievable.” No discipline was anticipated against the student who tossed the bottle, Elam said, because there is no sign that he intended to hurt anyone. Elam isn’t sure why the teen tossed the bottle. E-mail jmorse@enquirer.com
  5. Greek Is your back sore? how about your chest? You're flip-flopping so much, one of them has got to hurt.
  6. Read the second line following the title. They also said it on the broadcast! Source
  7. UNT's Quinn sees streak end North Texas senior wide receiver Johnny Quinn saw his streak of 41 consecutive starts come to an end against Arkansas State. UNT coaches made a game-time decision that he would not be able to play with a sprained ankle suffered in practice last week. Only 10 players in Division 1-A had started more consecutive games than Quinn, heading into the week, led by Fresno State center Kyle Young, who had made 45 straight starts. Quinn's streak 42 straight games with a reception, which ranks third nationally, will continue.
  8. I would be interested to know, what the NCAA FT average has been for those seasons. Just provide the link, I'll do the research.
  9. It's cost NT ever since JJ's been here. The team CANNOT shoot free throws! They need a copy of "Free Throw Shooting for Dummies."
  10. North Texas has a player that plays defense, hallelujah. Now if he could teach someone else to play it as well. Also they need to make around 70 percent of their free throws this year to have a chance at being any good!
  11. Just like throwing tortillas, but UVa ripping off this tradition doesn't mess up the track!
  12. RV, lie. Say it ain't so. why would he lie.
  13. They admitted the F up, What are they supposed to do? Fall on a sword, take an overdose of pills, shoot the graphic's guy on live TV. I think Channel 5 sucks, but they flubbed through an admission of a mistake. That's what you're supposed to do minus the flub.
  14. Put in Tune. Remember Mitch Maher. Parker burned his redshirt because the starter (Wendall something or another) couldn't get it done.
  15. I've got to see this. Does FIU do video feeds. It would be worth paying $10-$12 to see this.
  16. At least some one got the joke. Well kind of a joke. Mandy is NOT great!!!
  17. A 255 lb offensive lineman that run a 5.0. NT has got plenty of undersized slow guys. See this year's OL.
  18. Western Kentucky is on Direct TV channel 647. They're up 14-7 over Missouri State.
  19. YOU, responsible. Yea, right! You could probably introduce everyone at Alanon and AA from experience. Just Kidding Emmitt, you make great Green Juice.
  20. I think it would be great if Dickey called OLine coach up before the press and asked him WHAT'S UP? Why can't we block anybody? Why does the OLine, which has a great player (Lineberry) such so bad? I'd like to see DD ask Flanigan, Why the offense is so INEPT? Why do we run a draw on 3rd and 15? I know that Dickey has the final say on the plays, but it would be fun to see RF and the OL coach squirm.
  21. Removed because it might offend some players, who have thin skin.
  22. I'd like to see this with some of the coaches, like the Offensive coordinat and the O Line coach. Spurrier takes his secondary coach to task in front of media
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