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Everything posted by GreenBat

  1. "That defendant didn't shoot into a carful of kids to save his life. He shot into it to save his pride," Assistant State Attorney John Guy told the jury. "Jordan Davis didn't have a weapon, he had a big mouth." http://www.wfaa.com/news/crime/Florida-man-guilty-of-lesser-counts-in-music-shooting-245704301.html
  2. Here's the facebook page for the movie. https://www.facebook.com/groups/broncodocumentary/
  3. Edited for truth!
  4. "going to"? The Ash heap is being pooped on now. And under Benford's guidance the Poop pile is just going to get deeper.
  5. Donald White 1994, 1994, 1995 http://grfx.cstv.com/photos/schools/ntex/sports/m-footbl/auto_pdf/2013-14/misc_non_event/dfd.pdf Go to page 62, which is page 58 in the book form.
  6. http://abcnews.go.com/US/gondola-rides-william-shatner-johnny-quinn-lend-awesomeness/story?id=22479184
  7. Johnny Bobsled had another story on him on WFAA at 4. The story was right after the 30 break.
  8. https://twitter.com/UNTnews/status/433005602315702272
  9. This is a video JQ made for NBC. It's No. 12 of 15. http://www.nbcolympics.com/video/johnny-quinn-explains-how-he-escaped-hotel-bathroom-sochi?ctx=att-olympic-news-desk
  10. JQ's the break-out star of the Winter Olympics, so far.
  11. https://twitter.com/BigRog_32/status/432377870401667072
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  12. https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1/1601214_10102263748252390_1209078403_n.jpg
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MDiM5YCf9o&feature=share
  14. Guess they don't like being called out on what THEIR TARGET FANS have to say about them.
  15. Crazy stat of the day: A&M-Commerce inked 12 defensive backs. Twelve! — Dave Campbell's TF (@dctf) February 5, 2014
  16. GREAT HIGHLIGHTS. Willie Ivery has Barry Sanders-like ankles.
  17. Isn't Chumley coming on a Gray shirt? That's really impressive, were a school's gray shirt offer is more appealing than an instant scholarship. Didn't that happen to NT with that K-state QB?
  18. It was about 3 secs off, but better production than anything ever on all-access, including games.
  19. I prefer Olympian Johnathan.
  20. You are a complete and total jerkface!!!!
  21. Still Waiting...
  22. He is concerned about weight for power lifting. He is a beast!
  23. I love Xavier's game, but we've lost this fight.
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