I mean no ill will and hope to continue to see content from this gentlemen as he has already expressed more fervor for the Mean Green than a lot of die-hards. I love him so hard for that.
I can get past missing punctuation and misuse of homophones. In fact, when done intentionally, (and sometimes unintentionally) homophones can be most comedic. But the incomplete thoughts, run-on sentences and general lack of grammar really make me spend more time reading than necessary, simply because I can't understand the meaning in some cases.
I agree it's better to have the content with flaws than no content at all. While we are on the subject of content - A++ on the content. Some really engaging things for us mean green fans on that site. Two thumbs up, for that effort. It just seems like a quick re-read/fix would put it over the top.
Perhaps the joke's on me, if this gentlemen was able to sell his previous site for a professional retirement sum of money for such unprofessional writing. But alas, it's only speculation on my part that his millions were made by selling a fan blog. Perhaps he invented waterless urinals. To his credit, he doesn't claim to be a professional, and it's just a blog.
Just a very difficult read for me.