So true... Anyone ever gone to the Cotton Bowl on a Press Credential? Cowboys Game? Never have I been treated better than when I showed up to a Desperados game with one. The Cotton Bowl gives away really cool stuff to ALL media members every year. Jackets, Duffel Bags, the works. This is why they are considered to be in the lead for the 5th BCS bowl game. And why not? They show they're committed when they do this. I'm not saying Todd should open practices, volunteer pertinent information, and honestly I don't think it's Todd's responsibility to make sure fans are content, although it sure helps. Ultimately it lies with Rick Villareal. If we at UNT spent half the time and effort used to track down 'leaks' and 'moles' within the fan base (which by the way shows people are interested in your team) as we do on building better relations and not misusing university funds to go on wild goose chases, we'd have a new stadium by now. The information that gets out is not a plot against UNT. It's proof that people actually do care what's going on. Every major sport and even obscure ones make great efforts to get the press out to the games, and make it very easy to cover. This is one thing that I wish UNT did a better job of and will probably be a whole lot easier to do with a new stadium.