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Everything posted by MeanMag

  1. Tell Jimmy I said HI and to give me a call the next time he heads out Denton way.
  2. I already have all the roster files. Just search google to find a roster file to download from someone
  3. Cheapened Hawaii's brand all the way to a BCS Bowl last year.
  4. This blogger is right - they shouldn't be scheduling UNT, and he's wrong - The Notre Dames, Ohio States and Nebraskas will only get SMU one thing: smacked the f down. To become nationally respected June Jones' SMU has to schedule Northern Colorado and Charleston Southern. If this blogger knew who they hired as coach, he would be saying SFA is the type of team they need on the schedule. Does it get my blood boiling that some dickweed blogger thinks June Jones should drop SFA and UNT for Top-25 teams? No. It makes me crap my pants laughing at him.
  5. They must have been Virginians.
  6. Kinda like....... someone else..... i know that...... liked to use .....................
  7. I once got a giggle when I saw U of Michigan's hometown on a Notre Damn fan's teashirt: Ann Arbor is a Whore.
  8. Ah, preachers and sodomy victims... doesn't get much funnier than that... OOH Irony, I love you.
  9. A friend of mine was a coach at Vernon last year. He was pretty excited when Williams committed to NT.
  10. 5 weeks of playoffs? That would never work...
  11. I did leave the door wide open and knew exactly what I was doing when I did it. However, you and I both know where that ends - almost banned for life from the most sacred of time-wasting sites on the internet short of youtube, gordonkeith, google images, imdb, and woman continuously falling through balls. And ultimately, it ends in the abomination of Tortilla throwing during football season. Speaking of tortillas - anyone else interested in tailgating on some weekends to watch the new stadium get built? I'll buy the stadium if someone else cooks.
  12. She gave way to much more provocative literature. She puts into song what everyone I've ever dated has said to me.
  13. whoohoo! I have been looking forward to recruits committing for a while. It's the beginning of the end of off-season! Great pick up. Lets see those athletes start rollin' in. Even with the couple of lost schollys I bet we still have a terrific recruiting class.
  14. That's what I majored in. Got me a decent job drinking beer and working in girls.
  15. Yea, screw us for wanting to go after kids with enough smarts to go to Rice, TCU and SMU after losing football scholarships for academic ineligibility. Lighten up, there are other reasons for going to college other than to play football...
  16. You're not lying. That was some of the most exciting football I have ever watched. I cannot wait until Deloach gets this defense back to that level.
  17. Not really, it's a bank account with money sitting in it that is invested so that it grows, and the interest can be spent on whatever the university sees fit... scholarships usually
  18. Your Tina link got me Quoner.
  19. Oh Noes, Isn't Tulsa worried about losing that body bag game? They are dumber than I thought. They should have scheduled a team like Buffalo to pad the win column. Their season is doomed. I bet their team is terrified of Arkansas. Tulsa will have a tough time getting recruits when they don't have a chance to win.
  20. The teams are more appealing to me than anyone else in our conference now.
  21. That stadium is nowhere near 71% full.
  22. I don't know, for fantasy and considering the year he had last year he's probably a very very solid and consistent contributor on any fantasy team. I mean come on, he made OUs DBs look silly a couple times, what kind of production would you expect from him given our conference schedule? It's all about yds and tds in the fantasy game, and he didn't do too bad at that last year.
  23. Even more essential when you run a no huddle.
  24. Kinda like SMU has to have a big stadium to get a&m and tech to play here? That is bogus, it just has to be nice for them to come here. What the hell do they care how many it seats? They don't get the gate.
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