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Everything posted by infuryum

  1. I'm in!! I live my life by this mantra. I less than three college.
  2. You forgot about the crazy students in green wigs heckling the opposing bench. They didn't take too kindly to it.
  3. I like it! I don't know what Adam was talking about. You guys can come tell stories all you want. We're definitely open to new ideas and material! But we don't let anyone quiet on the rail. If you want a good view, you gotta yell! Thanks for all the compliments. We try pretty hard, and it's good to know we're appreciated! Also, I learned on Sunday that the opposing teams at the ladies' games react considerably differently to heckling than the men. So do their parents who like to sit in the student section. So do their coaches.
  4. Right?! I love college.
  5. Aqui.
  6. The Pit Crew is now funded out of the SGA budget. I, along with Trey (rockguitarist), Michael, the Talons president (Boomer), and Lance, our SGA Director of Student Affairs, do the planning, the designing, and the ordering. There are new t-shirts this year which will be released on Wednesday. There will also be a section where you can trade in your ID for distracting items, such as green wigs, brick signs, etc. Face-painting will also be available. We're doing two rounds of shirts. This upcoming design is simple, but effective. The shirt next semester will probably be a bit more flashy. We're coming out with guns blazing trying to get people involved. One of our greatest tools, believe it or not, is the Facebook.
  7. I was there, and it was a great game. Once basketball is the only major sport to watch, more people will come. We were worn the heck out by the end of the day, but the student section had a decent crowd. The Pit Crew will be in full attendance on Wednesday. Count on it. If you need a green wig or face paint, come find me.
  8. No, we were definitely there in force. It'll get bigger next semester. We'll be at all the home games until Christmas, though.
  9. You'll see the SGA tent large and in charge when you roll in!
  10. If you're going to be sleeping with your stuff (i.e. in a RV or something), you can show up Friday night. If you park your car there Friday night and leave, it'll be towed with a quickness. The Orange parking lot opens for paying customers at 7:30 AM on Saturday morning. I can't stress enough: if you leave your car there over night, it WILL be towed.
  11. Hey everyone. SGA is again making custom t-shirts for the Navy game. As with the other custom game-day shirts this season, I only have a budget for a limited number of units, most of which are allocated for the students. I'm interested in securing donors to help defray the cost of the shirt order so that more shirts can be purchased for alumni and fans. If you or someone you know is interested in donating money for the Navy game t-shirts, please email me at jcness@unt.edu or call 940-565-3850. The design and cost breakdown is below. COST BREAKDOWN 500 shirts - unit cost: $4.75 ---- total cost: $2,375.00 1000 shirts - unit cost: $4.55 ---- total cost: $4,550.00 2000 shirts - unit cost: $4.45 ---- total cost: $8,900.00 3000 shirts - unit cost: $4.35 ---- total cost: $13,050.00 4000 shirts - unit cost: $4.25 ---- total cost: $17,000.00 5000 shirts - unit cost: $4.15 ---- total cost: $20,750.00
  12. It's on a Lucky Lou's in Denton on Hickory. I'm headed there now.
  13. What?! I'm damn proud of that video!
  14. I'll be there around seven. Save me a seat!
  15. I'm paid to be the biggest fan. No really, though. I think the potential of our university is spectacular. I'm so proud to be the president at a school where we turn out some of the greatest students in music, engineering, business, psychology, photography, graphic design, disaster relief, and journalism. To judge our college on the performance of our football team is ignorant. Why am I a UNT fan? Because I'm the student body president at one of the best schools in the entire state. And that's something I don't dare take lightly.
  16. Barry Moore!!! I wouldn't have guessed.
  17. Yeah, The Word is working for me.
  18. Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the server is not available (for example, the server is busy or not online).
  19. I said that. Something to remember (and something that's easy to forget) is that the students who were around when we won those conference championships are no longer here. The students who are now juniors and seniors are accustomed to having a losing football team. They don't want to come out because they don't think they're going to see anything good. They make fun of those of us with school spirit, and they don't feel that "game day" has any special meaning. There are student groups on campus which promote the HELL out of our athletic teams. We do more work than has ever been done on this campus. But, as the soccer team proves, we can only do so much. Those girls are winning, and the stands are filled with almost NO advertising. The football program is the same way. The only difference is people don't wonder why we spend millions per year on the soccer team the way they wonder about the football team.
  20. Be sure to come over to the student side next time! Or I'll just come over there. RHA is having a chili cook-off for the Monroe game, and my new student organization is participating. It's our inaugural competition. We think we're going to lose.
  21. I'll be there.
  22. Pretty much everything you've all said is true. Believe me, we're working on it. We've issued challenges to the Student Development staff to wear green on Fridays, we put on rockin' pep rallies, and we have signage and paraphernalia EVERYWHERE on campus during home-game weeks. We talk about it at organization meetings, and we talk about it to people when we go to the bar. The pride you see on campus is better even since I started going to school here in 2005. I honestly think the ONLY thing we're lacking at this point is wins. Even the soccer team is getting more recognition based on their record alone! Students are going to those games, and the stands are pretty packed. Right now, the football team is being pigeon-holed as a do-nothing football team of a liberal arts school. Get some victories under our belts, and student attitudes will change.
  23. Compile a detailed list of how you would fix tailgating, and I'll see what I can do to fix it for next time. Post it here, or PM it to me.
  24. This is correct. Kendall Hall and Highland Hall will be torn down to make way for the new College of Business Administration building, and possibly a new parking garage. The site of the old Health Center will be a green space for now. This is all in line with the UNT Master Plan.
  25. I guess it's the heart source I'm confused about. This first competition is in a parking lot. What do you use for a heat source? Do they sell propane stands that hold a pot? Where the heck would I find a used one?? Thanks for all your help! Here's the image that goes on our t-shirts.
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