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Everything posted by infuryum

  1. If you know any Mean Green fans in New York City, we'll be watching them #beatSMU at the Village Pourhouse on Third Avenue. There's a Facebook event with all the details. Send your Mean Green expats my way! https://www.facebook.com/events/561196697315109/
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  2. What happened to ours being the first televised game of the season?
  3. Where is it confirmed that he's playing tomorrow?
  4. Charlie Shepard played football for North Texas from 1951 through 1955 and is in UNT's Sports Hall of Fame. Charlie continued on to play for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1956 and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers from 1957 to 1962. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingn...s-49139592.html
  5. Check out the Alumni Association's event on Facebook for the mixer. If you haven't already, be sure to follow the AA's fan page and event group! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=111310135627 Looking forward to it. Like a boss.
  6. Am I the only one who takes issue with the GoMeanGreen.com culture of posting an Internet link without any sort of summary about said link?
  7. Derrick, if you'd like to merge the event with the official Alumni Association event on Facebook, feel free to send everyone you have over to http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=111310135627 We're able to get the word out to all 2,350 members of the Alumni Association group on Facebook, as well as promote it through the Facebook fan page and Twitter. We've already invited the whole group, but it's taking a while for that information to show up in the "Awaiting Reply" section of the event. It will soon, though.
  8. Kelly Green, although the SGA adopted a resolution in 2007 to label it "emerald green."
  9. There is quite a bit of fail in that article. Thanks for posting it, though!
  10. http://www.gomeangreen.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=46898 But WOOHOO, anyway!
  11. I rescind my previous suggestion. I'm with this guy.
  12. "OMFG we beat K-State! Go Mean Green!"
  13. Pit Crew will be there. We'll probably be heckling the Denver team, so I hope you old-timers can handle it.
  14. http://www.gomeangreen.com/forums/index.ph...&hl=blow+up
  15. I like it!
  16. Make as much noise as possible. Sometimes my scream takes the form of the word "brick," but I don't think there is any set methodology other than do distract the free thrower as much as we can.
  17. The heckling from the Pit Crew is hardly ever personal. We don't attack race, we don't curse; we mostly rant about their game or silly stuff they do. Number 2 for Southern was clapping during the oddest times of the first half, so we hassled him for most of the game about how all he could do was clap. He ended up scoring one bucket in the last few seconds of the game. Several others took heat for missed shots, fouls, etc. We once picked on a guy for his long greased up hair, we make fun of coaches who dress ugly, we sometimes call out players for their chicken legs. If we learn stuff about players (DUI, stealing stereos), then we DEFINITELY use that. You shouldn't have been in the news if you don't want to be called out for it. There are police officers staged directly underneath us to ensure no one gets out of hand.
  18. A few of the Pit Crew will be there. All you crazy kids need to come stand with us!
  19. He told us about his ham when we asked him. He had a pretty sad look on his face. You can tell he wants to be out there.
  20. I will be in attendance.
  21. Whoa, dolly! This is not correct. I'm pretty sure I iterated that we want to participate with you. There was one kid who told you not to come and tell old stories, and he now feels differently. Don't write us off! You know... you all could come heckle with us instead of maintaining an anonymous Internet identity. I know you're all not TOO terribly old to be seen in the Student Section. We ran out of Pit Crew shirts for this semester, but we'll run a redesigned shirt in the spring. You're all welcome to them! I'll personally be here for all the home games over the break. The Pit Crew may be a little thin for those games, so please come join me!
  22. We got a regular John Madden over here. Thanks, boss.
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