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Everything posted by BigChiefGMG

  1. I think we really miss the Massie ability to drive hard and make a decision to shoot or pass out of it. He’s explosive and we don’t have it right now on offense 😳
  2. I. Love. This. Team.
  3. These people act like it’s the worse gym in the state lol. What a joke. Enjoy the pit for another decade at least. We ain’t going anywhere 😏
  4. Who hurt you man? Not sure if you even watched the game but bro got subbed in and made a huge steal to generate a fast break. He didn’t do much after that but he played fantastic D and wasn’t a liability at all out there. He didn’t even take a shot - he worked the ball around to open players. People act like our bench players are f-ing worthless and I’m tired of seeing that on here
  5. 4K in the pit tonight it was rocking on a couple free throws. What a fun game. Cmon yall get everyone out for the shockers and 49ers games. Got a couple weeks to prepare
  6. Yeah I don’t care anymore, give me the laser eyed Hodge page back and pay the man. Cmon!!!
  7. In the words of Dirk on Mavs night, to the guy guarding Big Mou, “He’s a Burger!!!” Sissoko is destroying this dude 😂
  8. Big Mou has been absolutely killing fools lately. Go look at his game logs the past 10-12 games. His scoring prowess now is huge for us. Never thought I would say that lol. Huge strides offensively
  9. We get 1 fast break layup off a steal and jasper gets bodied and they don’t call it lol these refs sometimes man. I see why we don’t run now
  10. They just said lower body injury that’s all not sure how long
  11. I just read Massie is out tonight. Need someone to step up
  12. Haha the whites are the best for sure! Just nice to see the grays or blacks every now and then. The greens against Rice were kinda gross
  13. Anyone know what jerseys we are rocking tonight? I’m one of those nerds I like to match my attire to the team. If we’re all white, I wanna rock all white, if we’re in the blacks I wanna rock all black etc. do they ever post this stuff in advance?
  14. Exactly what we needed. Hopefully we rested up this week and come out swinging Wednesday night. This is the time to get rolling! I smell something special with this team. Nothing but dawgs who put their heads down and work. These last 6 games will be telling going into Dickies
  15. Does anyone know where all the basketball trophies are located? One would think we could spruce up the pit and display a bunch of history in there around the concourse and such
  16. I more or less said the same thing after UTSA game and everyone flamed me on here lol eye rolls and downvotes for days. If there was a game to do it, it would have been the 9 scoreless mins against them to spark the upperclassmen and get them to calm the F down in that game. Albeit we battled back in that example but man it’s just tough to see some talented freshman rot on the bench and burn a year of eligibility for 5 mins against Wayland Baptist and Texas Wesleyan. I do see the other side of it though, 8 man rotation is great when it’s working and you can sub out 2-3 players each time and give everyone rest. Hodge knows better than us we just have to trust him! someone start the Tulsa thread already. Way too much negativity on here for a 18-6 squad in 2nd place. Idk about yall but dickies ain’t ready for us. We are the true Maniacs 😏
  17. #5 for the owls is out hustling everyone, dudes a machine
  18. Ummmmm maybe we needed this dogfight?
  19. Brenen Lorient’s game is straight out of 1988 and I’m alllll here for it! I think he’s easily our best all around player
  20. They’re kicking people out of the AAC for putting duct tape over mavs jerseys and wearing paper bags. We can’t even express our frustration, everything has to be so squeaky clean these days. People weren’t even cussing at the owners or Nico, just expressing displeasure with the moves and they got kicked out too. Wild times
  21. Instead of 85 t shirt tosses at every timeout, maybe promote the other athletic programs/upcoming games. And stop scheduling Texas weselyn and Wayland Baptist cmon now we ain’t trying to see all that 😂 It’s really not that hard. Okay end rant back to getting our attendance up
  22. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, there was literally 0 marketing on the basketball team until 5 home games left and that’s just dumb. We get 5K+ out to that game and shit the bed 🥲 it’s no surprise that we go back to 3-4K after that. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. It sucks, trust me I would love to see a consistent crowd and AD push - that this is the best program on campus, but it doesn’t get advertised as such. Mean green basketball has given us so much joy over the past decade. Maybe it’s just for us diehards and that’s okay. We all love the pit, but in Hodge’s postgame it struck me how he said he loved the small venues and he highlighted how Texas and SMU downsized their gyms lately to be a more compact environment. Idk, all we can do is drum up as much attention to our friends, family, and peers. Sometimes I feel like I could run the social media teams better than we do lol. There’s no engagement or anything just a hey we play at 8pm on Wednesday vs Tulsa, bring your Mavs gear. The minor league baseball events and advertisements needs to be studied like someone mentioned.
  23. Let’s all just be friends. In 48 hours everyone will forget about this. Anyways….onto Rice Tuesday at 8pm on ESPNU
  24. That utsa collapse also made my entire night. That was BAD
  25. I would have paid good money to see that. Sadly I had to work today. These last 3 homes games should be fun. I hope we can keep packing the pit and stackin dubs. See yall on the 19th after we dispose of Rice on Tuesday 🫡
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