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BigChiefGMG last won the day on February 20

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  1. 40 burger was so cool to see! Atin is Mr March 😎
  2. It’s been chippy as hell out here. Charlotte coach with the tech was wild
  3. Make it rain kid!!!
  4. Did not like the way Jossell walked off the court. Looked like that hurt. Let’s hope for a better 2nd half overall
  5. I didn’t realize until now that he’s our 3rd leading scorer and 2nd leading rebounder when he went out. Really glad he’s close to returning
  6. Haha oh brother! Green and black it is!
  7. My email says to wear black. 24 hours from tip, let’s send these seniors out right! Bring ya azz
  8. Lovely takes ^ I’m honestly right there with yall now. Football fandom has always been #1 until the last couple years. I feel a sense of pride representing mean green basketball gear around town! I get jesters and snide remarks of how bad we are when I have my football gear on 😂
  9. I circled this game when the season started. Deep in the season at home against a storied program from a mid major stand point. this is a good sweep of them this season, Idc if it’s a down season for them. I believe they have a good coach like we do, they will be a 20 win team again soon. We can do this in Fort Worth! Anything can happen man, we did ourselves wonders getting that double bye. This is March basketball. Buckle up and come loud and proud Thursday baby
  10. The beauty of basketball is every possession is life or death 😏 light it up!!!
  11. LFG
  12. Atin missing FT’s now, I’m about to end it all in the bathroom
  13. Too much side to side not enough drives! We miss Massie badly
  14. Danny Devito hanging gif
  15. Loving this maniac turnout and involvement honestly. GMG!
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