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Posts posted by 3_n_out

  1. 56 minutes ago, greenminer said:


    can we find better things to nitpick our coach about? I can probably look at any coaching change in history and find guys that didn’t 100% buy in year 1.

    Observing this single shortcoming, then pointing fingers at the coach for and saying, “are we legit?”

    I could copy-paste the above into every different complaint/thread.  Which, IMO, isn’t a good look.

    We’re UNT fans. We’re bowl eligible when it comes to nitpicking and pointing fingers. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, greenminer said:

    I mean, then this failure would be on the players, right?  The horse(s) chose not to drink the water.  And, the thing is, they don't tell you that until the season unfolds.

    Are we a legitimate football program? Do we hire legitimate coaches to run the program? Are the players we recruit a direct reflection of the school? And, if the answer is yes, then shouldn’t the coaches be able to put the players in the best position to succeed? Ask yourself, have they (coaches)?

    if NO, then we are what we are…players AND coaches.  

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  3. 7 hours ago, UNT 90 Grad said:

    Locker room is changing.  Players are buying into what is being built and they know they should have won this game.   That’s what I recall. 

    But that’s part of the failure. All this should have been implemented in Spring practice. I believe the most important step to make when establishing your culture is the first one. He already said he didn’t do it fully like he has done before. To me, that’s a massive failure which perpetuates itself from the start of the season on. Now you have to re-instill your philosophy and belief system instead of fully game planning for your opponents. Maybe I’m just speaking out of anger and disappointment, but it’s tough to see through this. Some, if not many, seem fairly inexperienced running these units. I just hope these mistakes won’t carry over for the next 2-3 years. By then, that may be too late for Morris. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, El Paso Eagle said:


    Can Morris adjust? Time will tell; however, the history of the Mike Leach coaches shows no evidence it will. I hope he can. I'm not sure how the rest of this season will play out, but the first milestone that will let us know is the transfer portal. If he is not all-in on upgrading the talent via portal additions, I believe we will have the message loud and clear.

    Regarding the transfer portal, since NCAA has modified how athletes transfer, will we still have the same number of movement year in and year out? Seems like they are trying to discourage mass migration to major programs. not that we’re a major program, but this may make it a bit more tricky/complicated to gain transfers. 

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  5. Did you guys see us blitz? Seems like we play a lot of the base 3-3-5 and don’t blitz much. If we’re gonna give up a lot of big runs/plays, might as well blitz and see if it may actually work. Maybe that’s what irks me the most. We play terrible defense but don’t blitz much from it

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  6. 25 minutes ago, El Paso Eagle said:

    Air Raid head coach mentality. As I've asked before please show me one coach from the Mac Leach tree that has ever emphasized defense. Look at USC some of the greatest offensive talent in football and they barely win games because their defense is so poor. I guess that's one thing we will have to live with with an air raid coach from the leech tree just that mentality that defense is not important. I fear we will see no change in Morris's thinking. Hopefully I am wrong and we'll see a difference quickly in our recruiting strategy but I would not count on it. I think the transfer portal will come and go and once again we will not emphasize defense but trust me he will get a lot of wide receivers


    Morris will not change anything because he isn’t a seasoned coach. He’s practically new and is probably sweating it out right now. Coaches like this will fail a few times before knowing what to do based experiences. Unfortunately, we’re one of those failed stops. You hire an FCS coach, you’ll get FCS results. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Rudy said:

    It is real.  Here are some scores from just this year.

    Week 1: Texas St beat Baylor 42-31, NutsaCK lost to Houston by 3


    Week 2: App St lost to UNC by 6 in 2OTJ, ames Madison beat VA, Rice beat Houston


    Week 3: Old Dominion loses by 3 to Wake Forest, South Alabama over Okie St 33-7


    Week 4: Marshall over VA Tech


    That's just this year.  It happens every year. Schools that we SHOULD be ahead of constantly punch above their weight class, and even remain undefeated well into the year, and even get ranked.  Why can't we do the same thing?




    Coz we keep hiring the same type of coaches. We hire offensive coaches because they think it’s an attractive style where everyone wants to play in. While it makes the numbers look good on paper,  there’s no overall substance if we’re consistently floundering. Safe hires will do this for your program

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  8. As long as Caponi is here, there will be no changes defensively. Morris will continue to ride him and make excuses for him. Where will the accountability fall to? Easier to blame the players than the system even tho they know the players they have now doesn’t fit their system

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  9. Navy was aggressive defensively all game. They were alway in attack mode. Give them credit, because they did what they had to.
    Seems like the UNT offensive game plan was lacking ways to counter their aggressiveness. I saw a lot of bubble screens to WRs, but they could never get by the first tackler. Don’t know if it was Chandler or the play call, but holding on to the ball too long or receiver routes developing too slowly was a major issue. Utilizing a TE inline to help block could’ve helped, but was only seldom used. OL made some nice holes, but ultimately couldn’t get the necessary push. Although  they ran the ball well, I never felt they controlled the trenches. Navy owned the trenches this game. 
    UNT shot themselves in the foot at key times. I place that on the coaches. This loss goes on them…especially Coach Morris. 

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