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Posts posted by 3_n_out

  1. 8 minutes ago, MeanGreenMan09 said:

    I just don't understand it, 1st drive, get burnt by their run game, 2nd drive, defense makes a good adjustment and they go 3 and out, 3rd drive, completely abandon the adjustments that just worked on the previous drive... like what are you doing Caponi???

    He doesn’t really know what to do. That’s why you see the same problems week in and week out. No changes to the defense, no blitzing, same result

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  2. 21 hours ago, UNTLifer said:

    They are all must wins in terms of building the program, building the fanbase, student attendance, fundraising, recruiting, player retention, etc.

    Frankly, if they don’t win this, there’s really nothing to look forward to except basketball season. Seems like there’s already less forum interaction, less energy this week as it is already. Just being realistic here. I’ll still watch the games, but the outlook is bleak. Very hard when my hopes were so high to start the season. 

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