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Posts posted by 3_n_out

  1. Unfortunately, I don’t see how our defense can weather the storm. This unit has nothing to lose. I want to see them blitz more. 
    I’m really here to see how this offense does against a legitimate defense. We have been able to score, pass and run on teams fairly well. However, they haven’t been the strongest of defenses. Hopefully, the OL will have better communication so as not to repeat that 8 sack performance again. And, I’m hoping for more TE usage to help block. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, GMG_Dallas said:

    That's fine but for most of the season, we couldn't stop the run no matter what. Today, we made big stops on run plays. That's progress. I'll give credit for that.

    Absolutely! As I’ve said before…credit where credit is due. No matter what kind of team we play, the job still needs to get done…and by gosh, they did it!
    Now, do something similar next week!

    I still believe we need to blitz more. That’s gonna be my sticking point…since i’ve lost the will to fight against the 3-man front. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, emmitt01 said:

    My take is that some of our fans are so programmed to bitch, piss, and moan that they can’t enjoy ANY win.  

    Lose to a superior opponent?  “Why do we play these games?!  We’re so unmatched and the coaches didn’t have us prepared!”  

    Lose to an evenly matched opponent?  “Fire the coaches!  Our recruiting is horrible and last year we signed a bunch of kids nobody else wanted…oh, they had some P5 offers?   Well, those offers must have been expired because the P5 coaches know what I know…the kids are terrible”

    Win against evenly matched teams?  “They had injuries!  They played horribly!  We didn’t win as much as they lost….and I will conveniently forget that I predicted that same horrible team to run us off the field”  


    But you can’t deny what’s going on with this program. UNT football has been running on a treadmill of mediocrity. What’s  helped was being in a weaker football conference like C-USA, which has kept us amongst the top half and given us bowl eligibility. While I definitely give them credit for doing just enough to achieve bowl births, we all want more. We want consistent good teams that could win these bowl games and even challenge mid to lower p5 teams for now. SL was a great step until the team plateaued after Mason Fine. We couldn’t build anymore afterwards.
    This new hire should’ve been the next step up. It’s too early to tell, apparently, but should it really? The timeline should’ve suggested we progress and not regress. So, how many more years will it take to get his “guys” in to properly run his system, to set his culture, to “buy in” to what he’s doing? Will it be another 2-3 years? 
    For me, that’s why I bitch. I want them to win. 

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  4. But now the offense is struggling the past few drives. Morris and the offense look complacent with this lead. There is no safe lead for us…NONE! Look at last night’s game between Colorado vs Stanford. Learn to put a team away. This is what Morris needs to teach them NOW!
    A team will take the identity of their coach. If the coach becomes complacent and takes his foot off the pedal, so will the players. And don’t tell us later the PLAYERS NEED to learn that killer instinct when you are not exhibiting it. 

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