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Posts posted by 3_n_out

  1. 5 minutes ago, Side.Show.Joe said:

    The offense looks a lot like it did when Earle was running it. WR's have to stop dropping passes, and our line needs to block up front and give our backs some holes.  

    Just like the Navy game, this OL doesn’t have the strength to move people. It’s mostly stalemates along the line. Maybe the RBs need to be more patient and See if any cut-back lanes develop. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 minute ago, NorthTexasWeLove said:

    Eric Morris is an inexperienced coach. It's glaring. It's so glaring he's starting to flirt with being a bad coach. 

    But, no worries, feel safe... We do HC OTJT here at UNT. 

    I just never want to see that alignment where the OL had 4 yard splits between them. What did he think was going to happen? What was he trying to prove? 

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