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Posts posted by 3_n_out

  1. The past two games were very winnable. Although we lack the size and interior presence as the other two, we hung with them. What lost us the games was our knack for missing layups, turnovers and loose handles. Last year, I know they didn’t initiate the offense until the shot clock has run down, but TP would bail us out or Kai hitting an open jumper. This time, we don’t have a guy who can create his own shot or create for others. Too much passing the ball deep into the shot clock which then forces bad shots against the shot clock. These guys aren’t iso players. I don’t see anyone able to beat their guy off the dribble. PnR easily gets stalled. Maybe more motion on offense or setting off-ball screens to get our shooters open shots. Would’ve been great to at least win one of the two games to show we’re an up and coming G5 program the nation could pay attention to. We still can be, but the national exposure truly would’ve carried the momentum from the NIT

    • Upvote 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Ross Hodgeson said:

    I agree.  Buggs need to be more aggressive and take shots.  He is playing very tentatively.

    They all have to understand that defensive close outs will come much faster when you’re facing better basketball programs in a better conference. 
    I, personally, hope we add to the offensive sets. Most of the motion is up top with the guards and not a lot from the post. Plays should be structured to attack the rim and not passing the ball around

  3. 6 minutes ago, BigWillie said:

    I don't know how I feel about the game. Obviously, I think we have to win it to make sure we can beat teams that aren't as good, but I also feel like the committee understands where LSU is right now. 

    When the seasons over, I think LSU will probably be Quad 3. They are like the Arkansas team a couple of years ago that everyone was beating up on.

    Regardless of the kind of season they are predicted to have, they still have way more resources to use compared to us…bigger NIL, better recruiting, facilities, respect. It will most certainly draw the attention of recruits if we win against these programs even if they’re having “down years”

    • Upvote 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, VideoEagle said:

    "The defensive linemen in the 3-3-5 tend to be smaller and more mobile, their main objective not to rush up the field, but to tie up blockers so the linebackers and safeties can fill the gaps and make tackles." 

    I don’t see how a smaller DL can tie up blockers. Smaller DL would get blown out of the water. Many times, only one OL has been able to neutralize one of our DL. In today’s time of combo blocks, they are able to get to the second level and also neutralize our smaller LBs/S. 
    Anyhow, it must work coz it’s been used plenty. However, we know where it doesn’t work


  5. Tough loss, but definitely should’ve won if not for the turnovers and poor 1st half.
    My thoughts on the game…

    -defense was still good. They missed a couple of rotations leading to wide open 3s during scrambles

    -offensive sets were not executed well. Dribble handoffs and PnR abruptly stopped. Only quick screens were set, giving defense time to recover it appeared.

    -we’re lacking a true pg. Ruben often stopped or got stopped mid drive only to kick it back out to re-set the offense. Edwards looks like a volume shooter. Rarely saw him pass the ball. Lots of turnovers. 

    -too much iso ball. Didn’t quite like the last play call to give the ball to Aaron and go one on one, essentially. If only they had off ball screens to get others open for a shot.

    -disappointed in the lack of involvement by Buggs. One way or another, they need to get him shots.

    -these guys need to look to score/shoot more before swinging the ball. You don’t stress the defense when they know you won’t pull the trigger.

    -lastly, despite all the turnovers and lacking  offensive dynamics, we stood up and went toe to toe with a really good bball program. Definitely some growing pains early, but when we gel, we could be just as tough as last year. 


    • Upvote 2
  6. 2 hours ago, akriesman said:

    If Caponi wants to find players to fit his system, he needs to hit the transfer portal hard this offseason.   He doesn't have the time to wait on HS recruits to improve his defense.  You can't have the worst defense in the FBS and expect to keep your job more than 2 seasons (or 1 season for many programs).

    A couple quotes from Syracuse Head Coach Dino Babers when they switched to the 3-3-5 in 2020.

    "In theory, the 3-3-5 is fast, malleable and conducive to an undersized defensive line.   If you’re at a place where you have the ability to get a lot of good defensive linemen all the time, you don’t have to go to it,” 

    The 3-3-5 has worked pretty well for Syracuse since then.  As large defensive linemen are at a premium, it would seem to make sense for a school like North Texas to try and switch to a 3-3-5 (at least on paper).  

    We should be really good then coz we have the smallest DL ever

    • Haha 1
  7. Interesting response to possibly reconsidering this 3-3-5 defense. He knows it’s not working, but didn’t want to switch things up mid season due to having to readjust. Maybe doubt has set in around Caponi leading the defensive side from Morris.

    Problem is, what’s his solution? Will he allow Caponi to run a different defense from what he knows? Does he trust him to do that or could he possibly be gone?

    • Upvote 2
  8. Yes!!! I agree completely regarding the OL. We were pre-ranked in the top 20 of FBS by some publication, then the season happened. We just can’t have nice things.
    We had a transfer from a P5 school (Georgia Tech) in Pauli V who, if I’m not mistaken, started or played a lot for them. But, he can’t sniff the field here with this soft OL group? Is this the Chandler Rogers mistake for the OL? Are we even playing our best five? The mirror is there for even the coaches to look at…not just the players. 

  9. Let’s say we give it to them for starting behind the 8-ball with the late hire. That’s understandable. However, the problem is the adjustments, or lack thereof. We are the worst team in rushing defense, but we CONTINUALLY come out light on defense with undersized personnel. I don’t get it! Short down & distance and we give them the same look…small 3-man front! Our LBs are also on the smaller size to hold up against the run. What changes have we seen to combat that? Supposedly, the benefit of having a 3-safety look is to help with run support. I don’t see our safeties running downhill to support the run as much. Although I see them make a lot of tackles, it’s always 8-10yds beyond the LOS. So, if your scheme doesn’t support the run with your safeties, utilize undersized LBs and light DL, we are where we’re suppose to be…dead last in stopping anything. What’s changing or what has changed since day one? If for ten games this defensive staff have not made the adjustments to win games now, they are not going to help you win later. 

    • Upvote 6
  10. I was at the game last night. Seeing us shoot ourselves in the foot has been our MO this season. I just got to see it live this time. So incredibly frustrating.  

    CR has been our best qb in a while, but he tends to hold on to the ball way too long. There are moments he could throw the ball away to live another day, instead runs around with only one hand on the ball.

    And what’s the deal with these big pass plays? Isn’t this what having 3 safeties in the 3-3-5 is suppose to not give up? Every big pass play always seems like our DB is playing the man and not the ball. I only saw that one time where Tejada turns to knock the ball away. Most of the time, him included, wait for the ball to be caught before trying to tackle the ball away. That’s coaching. 

    • Upvote 4
  11. 1 hour ago, southsideguy said:

    I have you ever seen the DC  give any interviews?  If I could ask coach morris question it would be what are we going to do about the defense.

    During the presser, he said he was going to have a talk with the defensive coaches. I’m assuming he’s done this after every game, yet limited improvement overall. 
    What I want to know if he allows Craponi to head the defensive meetings and game planning while EM stays on the offensive side. 

  12. 16 hours ago, Side.Show.Joe said:

    I will be mad until we have a real defense and actually win the games we should win, and become competitive in the game we aspire to win. 

    Agreed. That’s the difference between trying to win and trying not to lose. Feeling better about ourselves doesn’t cut it. We’re with the big boys now. Time to act like it!

    • Downvote 1
  13. I just don’t get the stark differences between the first and second halves. I know there are adjustments made, but why can’t that be done on the run? They can’t wait to be down by 20+ points every time to make their charge. 
    The OL got their asses handed to them on many occasions this game. UTSA just showed what physical football was all about. If they look like this against SMU, it’s gonna be Cal all over again. 

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