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  1. Reporting in from Atlanta. We need more random lower thirds.
  2. With how large the conference footprint is, I expect a lot of the teams to do this. Temple has to be paying a pretty penny to get out to all of us.
  3. Reporting in from Eleventh Street Pub in Atlanta
  4. Love being able to watch all 3 games at once on ESPN+
  5. When will the staff at nutsack turn on the stream? This is ridiculous
  6. Is anyone else having an issue with ESPN+ right now?
  7. Always bad juju in San Antonio. Love the city, but UTSA always comes in with a bone to pick. Let’s go Mean Green!
  8. This ECU Tulsa game just feels like CUSA+
  9. Army has a deal with CBS who broadcasts their games. We could be OTA next year… or in the trenches of CBSSN.
  10. I talked to a girl in the Mean Green Brigade. The team is flying and the band is bussing. Downright shame she isn’t going. Reduced band size.
  11. Now we get to watch glorious midweek MACtion!
  12. The stats with context tell us more. I feel like Army kept the defense on the field on purpose to limit a famously high flying North Texas team. I agree we had turnovers- how effective were they? How many 1st downs did army have in a single drive? Army never turned the ball over on downs with high 3rd down efficiency. We lucked out on the fumble from the RB. How long did it take to get the turnover? How was the field position that the defense earned? Those are better questions. Our defense did a lot and I loved seeing the sack, near fumble (ruled an incompletion), interception, and lack of penalties(that pass interference in the red zone hurt) to deflate their passing game- all 4 attempts. Then, they took us on the ground. Daily slid early to drain more time on a run near the 50. They line up with the same formation for an easy read to gain a yard or two, but, more importantly, the clock starts back up. This was triple option football and I feel like we failed to disrupt their plans. I want us to be better on all sides of the ball. I don’t a moral victory. I want us to acknowledge that Army, just like Tulane 2 weeks ago, used the run effectively against the defense. However, they used it to play at their tempo/style limiting our offense time on the field. I love the heart these players showed. I feel like any one of those teams from Army’s past 13 games are not the caliber we should be proud of being better than (except Coastal and Navy). Watching at army launch the ball vs Temple, Tulsa, & UAB was insane. But Daily is a okay QB that fits the triple option scheme as a runner primarily. Horvath is a miracle for service academy passing. Daily has 51 passing attempts YTD versus Horvath’s monstrous 117 attempts for a service academy. Daily has the same interception rate as Henigan. I’ll see y’all in San Antonio. I’m still excited to see this team play and I know we can win out the season. I just feel like they were par for the course this Army weekend. If anyone complained about the DC all season, this game should not sway someone.
  13. I keep seeing posts about how the defense got it done today. I didn’t see that. Army did what they always do to high powered offense teams- slow down, hold the damn ball. We couldn’t force a turnover for large portions of that game. We couldn’t hold the line against that run. I agree that the offense didn’t do them any favors, but Army played us like a damn fiddle for 14 minutes.
  14. Thanks for the assist! I bought a ticket to help out with the sell out
  15. I just flew in from Atlanta. If you’re offering, I’m buying!
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