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Everything posted by rojomojo

  1. I grew up a fan of a power 5 school so being a fan of a consistently atrocious/mediocre team is still an adjustment for me. Go mean green, I will be at the next game again cheering loud as ever... Just really sad honestly
  3. I predict we go 2-10 this year... That was before this game even started too
  4. "the G5/P5 barrier doesn't exist" .......... Remind you this is one of the worst P5 squads......
  5. And THIS my friends... Is why students don't go to games!
  6. Mike is gonna Mike! Don't understand why UNT fans continue to kiss up to this guy
  7. I am in charge for organizing tailgates for my fraternity and we recently received formal word on what the layout would be for this season. Nothing crazy but I thought I would just share
  8. It wasn't believe it or not
  9. UNT student body seems more than thrilled...
  10. I know the patience needed for facility upgrades to take shape (especially in regards to G5) but does anyone have any insight on the current standing of expanding/renovating the athletic center?
  11. QB and defense situation looks concerning to me. I think 5 or 6 wins is the most realistic expectation here.
  12. This is a heavy question and before I even ask, when was the last time UNT had a sold out football game in its history? I don't expect the Cal game this year will sell out, although I don't believe that's to say the fan atmosphere won't be the most full and energetic than any home game these past few years. I guess my question really boils down to what does UNT need to build in order to sell out a football game? A top 25 appearance? More student involvement? More incentives to come to games? This has been discussed endlessly but I am curious to hear your thoughts
  13. Amateurs, we're obviously the Texas Normal College and Teacher Training Institute🥱
  14. Solid program that is definitely right on par with UNT. Great matchup
  15. The only thing SMU does that could be deemed attractive is that it's in a perfect location for media revenue. Other than that, there really isn't that much of a divide between UNT and SMU. Sure the student body at SMU is vastly more wealthy and definitely more suitable for appealing towards college athletics, but as seen through attendance, that factor has failed to benefit SMU. The campus may be much more beautiful and prestigious than UNT, however I wouldn't consider UNT an "ugly" campus, so the benefits are very limited to this regard. Lastly, while SMU definitely has an edge in recruiting, it's not the massive separation between UNT that you'd imagine they'd have at first glance. If this trend continues through the 20's and 30's, I have no doubt that UNT will surpass SMU in athletic and overall appeal on a national level. Sure, UNT will likely never be able to rival SMU in regards to financial aspects, but at the end of the day, who gives a sh%t? UNT's diversity and appeal towards "the university for all" kinda goes against SMU's aspect and I think great things are ahead for UNT.
  16. Looks like he's coked out so... Snow Mountain University would be my pick
  17. Apparently many AAC schools are preparing to file applications to the PAC-12... UNT is not among the list Regardless of the current state of the PAC-12, I pray small minded nonsense does not cause us to fall behind in the future of whatever college sports may be.
  18. I take back everything I said regarding the Frisco Roughriders. Went to a game recently and the development surrounding the stadium has really helped enlighten activity around the environment. The atmosphere felt very progressive when speaking in terms of sporting environments across the U.S. Hoping we see similar lifestyle development continue to pop up around Global Life Field.
  19. Still disagree, compare the athletic revenue of G5 to P5 and you will see the designation still very much exists.
  20. If you're confused of what I mean, the first picture is representative of what 90 percent of MILB stadiums look like across America... Mix used, well integrated within a neighborhood, plentiful of activities, vibrant atmosphere, etc... The second photo is what minor league stadiums in Texas look like... That's the largest city in Texas btw
  21. Hey there! I am planning on bringing my dad down to Texas during early August when I return for college. Are there any baseball stadiums in Texas that aren't in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by miles of asphalt parking? I am trying to find a cultured environment to take my dad to instead of just some boring atmosphere. Does Texas have any stadiums located within relatively entertaining or human friendly areas? Thanks
  22. Morris doing exactly what I said he would... He's picking up the bums from Texas that nobody else wants. What does it tell you that a zero star quarterback out of China Springs, TX, with no P5 offers, and only 3 other FBS offers is getting this level of hype from the fanbase. At the very least Littrell would recruit nationally and bring some respectable names to the program. Mark my words, this TX high school experiment will fail in the exact same way that the Dodge era did... But then again, you can never expect a Texan to learn their lesson!
  23. No such thing as "Texas" bourbon... That's whiskey
  24. Bourbon has to be made in Kentucky!!! All you fakers don't know squat about true American bourbon and its rich history. Learned this well when my dad was getting his masters degree at University of Louisville
  25. UNT and other Texas universities will be hit pretty hard by these ignorant law. The people arguing for this bill are the ones that refuse to see life through the lenses of a minority in America. Many Texans tend to see the world in a vision that establishes the treatment of white people as a baseline for how all Americans have been treated throughout history. This small minded narrative is the exact reason so many poorly educated southerners have such a hard time grasping concepts such as CRT and other initiatives aiming at educating and forming a better society for the future. UNT will lose out on lucrative federal grants for research purposes and its ability to recruit top national talent will be hindered by this backwards and redneck bill.
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