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Everything posted by rojomojo

  1. If we win, Grant is gone by Monday. If we lose, Grant will be gone on Friday....
  2. UNT just can't escape the semifinal of anything
  3. You guys think Grant leaves officially tomorrow?
  4. Completely agree. Any chance you get to hang a banner and add hardware to your trophy case is a program booster.
  5. Can someone please explain to me the financial gains or aspects of the NIT tournament? I am curious to see if UNT will greatly benefit from getting this far in the tourney. Obviously the money is nothing like the big tournament, but I am still curious. Thank you! -That annoying kid from KC
  6. You don't know how bad I wish this was still being played in NYC... I'd have my tickets booked and my hotel set up in the Upper East Side. Greatest city in the world and instead they've gotta play in Vegas
  7. All of this could've been avoided if Mark never talked about masters and slaves with a group of African American basketball players...
  8. When Mac leaves for Tech, I have a dreadful feeling that the AD will pull a "Texas moment" and only reach out to coaches within a 100 mile radius of Denton. Why is this such a negative aspect? It boils down to the fact that this UNT job should be much more valuable than just throwing the coaching job to somebody found within the "good ol boy" coaching network of Texas. College basketball is an entirely different beast than college football. Local recruiting and high school connections are not nearly as important in basketball than football. Take a look at the current UNT roster, most of these guys are either found through national basketball camps, tournaments, and the recruiting portal. Part of what made Mac succuscful at UNT was his ability to recruit on a national level and bring interest from guys all across the country, therefore establishing a national brand, and elevating the program from what it has ever been. With that being said, here are my suggestions... Shantay Legans, Portland Austin Claunch, Nicholls State Bob Richey, Furman
  9. It's been there since the summer. Pretty unique restaurant as it's a marijuana themed sandwich shop, it's really good if I do say so myself. You should've seen what was there before the apartment complex, just an ugly strip mall.
  10. This is based off the percentage filled of the capacity... UNT has a larger arena so therefore they aren't on the list
  11. And when you do that, you're only playing high school kids from Texas. You're isolating your football team to national talent and preventing them from being exposed to the rest of the country. It is not high school...
  12. Bus system has been taking fire due to Denton City Council cutting routes and funding for DCTA... UNT desperately needs to enhance the bus system on campus, it would really help with attendance I feel
  13. I also understand it looks weak to complain about a 10 minute walk, I agree with your standpoints and I think as long as student activity and reliant ways of transportation are available to the stadium, the location would be absolutely fine being over by the Mean Green Village... Great ideas though
  14. I live in Mozart, the second closest dorm to Apogee (other than Victory of course) Mozart is literally right on the other side of the highway yet it takes 10 minutes to walk to. This isn't a "campus walk" either. This is a walk across asphalt parking and a pedestrian bridge. Imagine for a second how long the walk would be for someone living in the interior of campus? (Kerr, Maple, Bruce, etc)
  15. One thing that really helps UNT with walk on talent is that any out of state student at UNT that receives at least a 1K dollar scholarship will automatically qualify for instate tuition.
  16. SMU is like the price of USC without the educational value of USC
  17. Can't wait to watch the very open minded and accepting SMU fanbase to react to environments like Washington, Oregon, and California!
  18. If we can keep the arena east of 1-35, I am 100 percent committed to whatever they do
  19. It's pulling a huge "Texas moment" by constructing it away from any sense of student activity and placing it amongst a sea of asphalt parking The location of the Super Pit is perfect and placing the arena across the highway will have a massive impact on student attendance
  20. Basketball attendance will drop significantly from moving the arena across the highway. I know this is Texas so it may come as a surprise, but young people won't go to your games if they're located among seas of asphalt parking and located away from any hotspot of student life or activity... Good luck trying to get students to walk 20 minutes across a highway on a Tuesday afternoon to watch UNT play Tulsa
  21. Ughhh... So much wasteful and blah parking...
  22. Isn't out in Irving? Had no idea it was actually in Dallas
  23. This is the entire point I have been trying to make for the past 2 months
  24. They're pretty similar when looking at season statistics for both teams. Then you look at TCU's recruiting class ranking and you see the issue
  25. The TCU v Georgia game would like a word
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