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Everything posted by rojomojo

  1. UNT recruiting out of state? Impossible...
  2. The music school is the only program at UNT that actually attracts national talent instead of DFW juco transfers that make up the majority of UNT students... The geographic diversity of the music program is the only thing that makes UNT kind of feel like a real university.
  3. Can't wait to see how they use this!!
  4. What is this money used for other than scholarships?
  5. Poor dude thinks he's Kurt Warner
  6. Basically the keys to success is to be a large, public university in an urban area... You'll see that's been the trend for the past 20 years (Louisville, Houston, Cincinnati, UCF, Rutgers etc) TCU is small yet urban, BYU is more rural yet large
  7. Taking all bias out of the picture, these are the schools that I can envision jumping into the P5 in the next 10 years... Memphis San Diego State South Florida Charlotte
  8. It makes sense... I mean dude the sign outside the Super Pit hasn't been working fully in about 6 months... What does that tell you about UNT?
  9. Dude if I had a kid that had the potential to make millions, I'd tell him to do what he wants
  10. Really wish we were just North Texas University... Would make things so much easier
  11. Name one person that's played at UNT that's found any success in the NBA... I know I'm speaking mostly to boomers here, but in modern times these young men will do what's best for them, not what your arrogant and biased heart wants
  12. I may be in the minority but I oppose this... UTA is a sleeping giant with their student population and I fear they could rival UNT in the future and take away from our potential market...
  13. Gotta win this series if they want a chance at the conference title... No BS!!
  14. Morris is his own kinda guy. I don't think it's fair to compare him to anybody in UNT history since he's bringing a completely new era of football here
  15. So there's about 1 million things I could apologize about to this forum, but I wanted to just start with this... I was extremely doubtful about Eric Morris and his ability to recruit. In the past few months that theory has been struck down by his ability to take this program and somehow manage to attract DFW players that had offers from solid P5 programs. Obviously it's WAY too early to say if he's going to be a solid hire, but he's definitely on the right track. I still think only focusing on instate recruiting is limiting to some regard, but if you're going to do it, Texas, California, and Florida are the 3 best states to do it... Other than the recruiting, the overall energy and social media presence of the program has drastically improved. I said this while Seth was still here but I'll say it again... Seth reminded me of Scott Frost. He never seemed to have the energy or passion needed towards the end of his tenure. Nothing against him but it was just aggravating when he seemed to be at peace with going 6-6 every year... I'm a pretty critical fan (IF YOU COULDN'T TELL XD) but I really think UNT is on the right track... So excited to see the opening game against Cal
  16. Tylor flirted with the idea of him at Louisville on his instagram... I think it's either Florida or the Ville...
  17. Tech is nothing compared to the KU's, UNC's, and UCLA's... If a redneck school like Tech can have facilities like that in the middle of nowhere, imagine what the big brother schools look like
  18. I am just trying to stop this discussion before it goes any further... NO HIGH SCHOOL COACHES... PLEASE GOD NO....
  19. Boomers crawled through rat tunnels in Vietnam, yet still can't seem to figure out how to silence a cell phone during a celebratory press conference... I swear I heard like 60 ringtones go off in a span of about 20 minutes
  20. I honestly don't see the big deal with wearing black. I think they look slick and it gives them their own unique identity for softball
  21. I've been following this potential development for a while now but it looks like it finally has some movement to it. A couple years ago during the social justice movements of 2020, UNT promised the construction of a multicultural center in response to student unrest. While vague and potentially misleading bills in the Texas legislature could possibly kill this development, it seems that a zoning development pre-application was filled to the city of Denton... The location of the new building would be located on the northwest corner of the Union Circle (directly behind the bus stop by the Union) As for me, I will always support new construction on campus, however state politicians still may prevent this from happening. Perks of being obsessed with urban planning, you get a jump on new developments before they're even announced officially :)
  22. Leave it to UNT alumni to try and bring Yellowstone into literally any conversation
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