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Everything posted by rojomojo

  1. Jared's inability to fuel infrastructure improvements such as the Athletic Center expansion is what really makes me feel unconfident in his abilities. We were supposed to BREAK GROUND in the FALL OF 2023...
  2. Don't hire athletic directors that are content with staying at UNT. It sounds counterintuitive, but hiring people who want to reach the pinnacle of American college athletics will be the ones that are the most dedicated to boosting their resume and making major improvements to UNT Wren Baker, possibly the best AD in UNT history is a great example of what I am trying to explain.
  3. I am 100 percent with you. Interestingly, Greek life is much more incentivized to go to basketball games rather than the football games. I can assure you that at least 20 Theta Chi's will be at the next game
  4. Theta Chi was there too! We will be back
  5. Remember when the Athletic Center was supposed to break ground on renovation in the fall of 2022?
  6. Good point. Well said And Hell no... I do not want to live in a real life Clockwork Orange. Luigi can rot
  7. This guy is GOOD.... Will he be graduating early to play in spring game?
  8. And yes.... UNT has a more recent bowl win than SMU
  9. December 24th, 2012... Hawaii Bowl against LA Tech - #1 song: Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars - #1 Movie: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Obama had recently won reelection against Mitt Romney - People thought the world was about to end due to Mayan calendar - Second year UNT head coach Dan McCarney finished 4-8 in the Sun Belt - Sandy Hook shooting had just happened 12 days prior - Nasa's Voyager One had reached interstellar space (launched in 1977) Feel free to list more!
  10. Are you really going to call a 20 year old college student "greedy" for trying to make the most amount of money they possibly can? Look up the statistics of how many college players go pro and then tell me money shouldn't be important to them... Hate the game, not the player.
  11. This is the responsibility and result of greedy corporate interests, Misuse and lack of NCAA regulation towards large athletic brands, and a general shift away from the amateur style of athletics that dominated the collegiate level for over a century.... We unfortunately are not going back. The cat is out of the bag and the elite programs have snagged all the necessary power to ensure they get what they want.
  12. Capitalism enters college athletics and suddenly the 60 year old Texans lose their shit... Do not blame the players. This is a system that has been coming for the past few decades. We choose to worship college athletics in the United States unlike any other culture, so understanding HOW this came into reality is actually quite simple... I hate it... I always will hate it and obviously I am not alone... But if you had a son that was getting offered hundreds of thousands or MILLIONS of dollars to transfer, would you still be blaming the players?
  13. That did not look pretty... Why would you set up a play to have him shoot if he's been playing like ass all night? Incredible that it went in though
  14. I think we play better when I shit talk
  16. Name one positive accomplishment that Mosley has managed to achieve while serving as AD
  17. Jared Mosley is a disaster
  18. One of our players could fire a 12 gauge on the court and you'd still see Hodge and the coaching staff in disbelief that a foul was called.
  19. I have never seen a team make scoring a layup look so difficult
  20. Yes... However, he would've won today
  21. I am paying out of state tuition and the Vice President of a major fraternity at UNT. I would do anything to see an increased level of student/community involvement. I also understand that will not happen if the careless, amateur practices of Mosley inc continue to devastate every athletic program with hirings he found on Facebook Marketplace. Supporting these results will get you nothing but what you've experienced for the past 30+ years with this team
  22. No. How long have you been a fan? Have they won jack shit since you've been here? NO! It is the fans that represent the civic engagement within NCAA sports and the responsibility for holding AD's accountable falls on the fans. I strive to see this university and athletic department grow because I care about my university and want to see its succeed.
  24. What?????? The guy with no name recognition and minimal exposure outside of Texas is FAILING to attract success to a traditonally underperforming program within a state dominated by instate talent???? How could the small minded mentality of Jared Mosley and his fellow "good ol boys" do this? I said this would happen before Morris even signed the contract with UNT. And to think all of this time... WE COULD HAVE HAD BARRY ODOM.....
  25. In summary, it is hard to get students to a Saturday football game when 80 percent of the student body is back home in Plano or Frisco on the weekend
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