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gordo nation

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Everything posted by gordo nation

  1. You forget this is Texas... People don't understand UNT isn't a power 5 school. With what UNT has to work with, a bowl appearance every season is truly a miracle.
  2. This could be UNT but for some reason we do what Texas does best... Build the ugliest environment possible with 84 lane roads splitting between major areas of social life.
  3. I can't recall a time in the modern era where something like that has happened... I don't think Seth would want to do that from a professional standpoint.
  4. Eh you're actually probably right. I think the 30 point loss just kinda struck a a cord in me
  5. Simple, he's gotta win a conference championship... That is the ONLY justification I can see for an extension IMO. His entire tenure here at UNT has been "just enough to appear competitive." His absolute lack of postseason hardware has to change THIS DECEMBER.
  6. Okay, that was really hard to watch. Now I know there's a bunch of excuses to justify this loss (mostly regarding the flu) but we still saw a group of supposedly competitive D1 athletes get absolutely demolished by a team that should've been relatively equal in regards to talent. ` I know it's only 2 games, but when do we start pulling the alarms on this season? GMG
  7. And I think that's what is so frustrating for both the fanbase, and the athletic department. The AD looks at this situation in a comparison to what UNT was before Seth was here, not what UNT SHOULD be after how long Seth has been here. I do not entirely blame the AD. It's hard to pull the trigger on a coach that's still managing to achieve consistent bowl appearances, but at some point you have to move forward and want MORE for the program.
  8. Nah imma stick around
  9. Well this was really demoralizing. Looks like we've got a 10 win basketball team here. Very sad
  10. Hell yeah... I probably won't stay in Texas after I graduate, but I will be coming to every homecoming game and alumni event I possibly can. Love it here
  11. I have to admit, I get it now. I was pretty new to this football community, and I only had the knowledge of Seth's record on paper before this year. Being an out of state freshman that really didn't watch any UNT football until this year, I never understood why the community felt so negatively for Seth. In my eyes, all I saw was a coach that took a team that got blown out by Portland State, to a team with multiple bowl appearances and a mediocre record. I understood the frustration by fans wanting to see the team take steps forward, but I never saw why people found Littrell to be such a terrible coach... Well that all changed yesterday. Let me just say... Holy shit... That was some of the worst, uninspiring, boring game managements i've ever seen in my life (granted i'm only 19.) How daft do you have to be to seemingly give up on your team in pivotal moments? It felt like he saw every moment in the game as nothing more than a damn scrimmage. I genuinely don't think he cares. I first had my suspicions when I watched his press conferences. They were dull, lackluster, generic, and didn't really make his coaching style or demeanor stand out in any motivating way. You know who he reminds me of? SCOTT FROST!!! A promising coach on paper, but nothing more than a Madden robot once he's on the sideline. This is long, but I just wanted to throw my thoughts out there. I feel as if I owe an apology to the entirety of mean green nation. I had Seth's back for a while due to the fact that I never really had solid evidence to completely give up on him, well now I do! This man CAN NOT be allowed to coach this team in the AAC. Obviously we will all be happy if we win a bowl game this year, or somehow manage to win a CUSA championship (by the grace of God LMAO.) However, this level of mediocrity can't be allowed to continue... And please... For the love of God do not hire a TX high school football coach like they did with Todd... Obviously I did not experience that era in person, but I know damn well that hiring local HS FB coaches for FBS jobs do not usually turn out well Anyway... Thoughts are always welcome. I love this school and I still manage to brag to my friends back home about how much of a hidden gem this place is. I really hope we take a chance on a new coach next year. GMG!
  12. What's UAB's QB situation? GMG
  13. Anyone know of any alumni association out in NYC? I am doing an internship out there next fall and I would love to see if there's any watch parties or anything for the football games. I know UNT is a pretty local school but I thought I may as well give it a shot and ask. Thanks! GMG!
  14. If Seth wins either a conference championship or a bowl game, we extend him I really don't think a school like UNT has the right to fire a head coach after a winning season
  15. Somehow, somewhere... You people will find a way to blame Littrell for this
  16. UNT is in serious need of campus beautification. Whether it's the streets that tear through the core of campus, or the lack of creativity and beauty given to the car centric, sprawled out landscape, I feel that most in the UNT community could get behind some sort of beautification project here at UNT. Before you think I am crazy, look at the University of Louisville. They were able to take a hideous campus surrounded by major manufacturing plants, and turn it into a lively, beautiful, and desirable campus. Students nowadays make their first impression on the beauty of a college's campus. While UNT has spots that are pleasant, I still feel like the campus leaves much to be desired. I am an urban planning student here at UNT and I have been gathering feedback on a proposed movement that I am trying to implement here on campus. I understand not all of these reactions will be positive, but I would love to hear your thoughts on my idea. Here it is...
  17. Really concerned about injuries. I expect Aune to definitely be going to the air more often against UAB.
  18. MWC CANDIDATES Montana New Mexico State UTEP Portland State Sacramento State Weber State I would go for Montana, but that's just me
  19. The Pac-12 has never been a fan of cult minded religious schools. That is why colleges in Texas would never have had a shot at joining the PAC-12. Hate on me all you want, but you know it's true. I don't think this changes too much, however I would take a hard look at Montana or UTEP when considering candidates to replace San Diego State. I know UTEP isn't attractive, but their really isn't alot of FBS contenders out west that could fill the MWC gap. I do think that Colorado will eventually join the B12. The timing of that move is foggy though GMG!
  20. Besides from the recent spike in homelessness and crime, Portland and Seattle are awesome cities! I love how walkable and dense they are, and I wish cities in Texas would embrace public transit and urbanism the way those cities have
  21. Hi there! I am an urban planning student at UNT and I believe you are referring to the building right across from the recently constructed Epoch apartments. I am almost positive that this is a parking garage, but there's a chance that it will be a mixed use development (basically restaurants/retail on main floor, parking on the upper floors I'll try to get confirmation on this. I live in Mozart and have been curious as well
  22. Playing California at home will be a winnable P5 game for us
  23. Here's the thing... UNT is still a group of 5 school. Hiring new head coaches at G5 schools is a VERY risky task that often times consists of luck. While Seth definitely hasn't performed at a level that really warrants a contract expansion, I am worried that firing Seth will set potentially set UNT back into 2015 levels of terrible. UNT is spending WAY too much on Seth in my opinion, but at the very least the man has kept UNT competitive for bowl game appearances every single year he has been at UNT. Judging from UNT's history, I really worry about flipping the switch on Littrell. That being said, I think either one of these two scenarios would warrant an extension 1: 8-5 season with BOWL WIN 2: 8-5 season with CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP UNT needs some sort of postseason success with Littrell. If that happens, I would be a supporter of a contract extension Remember he is only 44.
  24. I am a student at UNT. I got tickets extremely easily, it took me about 2 minutes. I think some major aspects for low attendance have to do with three major factors 1) The stadium is located across a highway in an area that's unwalkable and distant from nearby restaurants or postgame activities 2) UNT's ugly label as "a commuter school." Tons of students go home for the weekend and it's not really seen as a traditional college in the eyes of the student body. 3) Denton local businesses just don't seem to promote or value the athletics at UNT.
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