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UNTethered Eagle

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Everything posted by UNTethered Eagle

  1. This is the underlying point we’re debating here - do we “play it safe” or “roll the dice” going into a new conference next year? I’m personally part of the roll the dice crew because I’m not seeing the potential for a big turn around in a tougher conference, especially if better money and facilities mean as little as you mentioned. But I understand that if Littrell wins out there is no way he gets let go. Much speculation around what scenario let’s him go, or keeps him for that matter.
  2. We showed that we could separate by double digits in the first half, but unfortunately couldn’t maintain it because of scoring droughts. The defense did a good job keeping them at bay winning the 50/50 balls. Hard to tell how good or bad Fresno is based on all their new players. They weren’t scrubs that’s for sure.
  3. With our starters we looked much better tonight. Defense played well imo. Definitely no need to panic, but we do have room for improvement. GMG!
  4. I’m trying to understand the motive here. A loss to SNU would be so bad it was worth coordinating and executing a thrown game? Who called it and when? Were the players in on it?
  5. Lol I’ll take this as satire.
  6. I get the skepticism around SNU benching starters. But none of us have anything factual or credible to go to substantiate this claim. We’re supposedly going on the fact that we won when we should have lost? Or because others teams don’t pull starters in that situation? I’m all for good conspiracies, like Seth is gone next year no matter what, but this one is bogus imo. Like who paid them, and coordinated the loss?
  7. Well I wasn’t one of those individuals wishing ill on our team. I’m actually proud of this team and think they have a real shot at a championship. That being said Littrell’s track record suggest he loses both the title game, and the bowl game. Not my opinion, history supports that notion. Why people get up in arms when I say that is beyond me. I honestly want the best case scenario to play out where he wins out and is called to a P5 job. What I don’t want is for us to extend Seth 3 years and then end up floundering in our new conference. BTW if Seth is here next year I’ll still cheer him and the team on.
  8. You’re correct, he didn’t say that and I would agree nobody should be content with perpetual 0.500. That’s actually why I asked the follow up question to better understand his position.
  9. There wasn’t any spin in my post. It was an honest question geared at me better understanding where he was coming from with expectations of Littrell.
  10. That’s the thing, it feels like some posters really do think Seth has figured things out, and don’t mind it’s taken so long, or care about his overall record and lack of ooc, bowl, or conference championship wins. It’s apparently a controversial take around here.
  11. Thank you for that. At 7-5 we’ll likely play in the championship game meaning with either be 8-5 or 7-6 going into a bowl if that plays out. I’m with you, I think he needs to win the championship and/or a bowl to get an extension. Otherwise we amicably part ways. Season records are important, but collective record is even more, with hardware being the ultimate metric of success, in my opinion.
  12. I feel like I need to ask this specific question so we can get on the same page as fans of UNT football. What would it take for you to let Littrell go? Because we know you’ll be happy to keep him after 7 seasons at 0.500 with no hardware.
  13. Are you serious?! Lol No wonder mediocrity is accepted here. This is the personification of keeping your head in the sand. Of course wins this year matter, but to ignore the past seasons and our shortcomings is ridiculous. Do you want to improve?
  14. Other than learn from them and make educated decisions going forward - I.e. consider getting a better coach? We can celebrate the win today and be unhappy with the past 6.5 seasons.
  15. Seriously! Be careful pointing out important details. You’ll get downvoted for that. What can’t you just be happy?! /s
  16. Shhhh you’ll ruin the narrative that Littrell has turned the corner.
  17. Two questions: - What happened to the insider conspiracy that Seth is gone no matter what that was posted on a here a few days ago? People are posting like an extension is a foregone conclusion. - Why is it mutually exclusive for a poster to support the current team and desiring a new coach at the same time? Hint, it’s not. I really hate the gaslighting that goes on over wanting Littrell gone after 7 seasons and him averaging 0.500 with no hardware in the case. All while we’re taking a step up in conferences next season. He’s underperformed based on his pay and tools. Thanks him for lifting us out of the dark ages but we’re not quite in the Age of Enlightenment yet.
  18. It’s actually pretty cool too! You can find it through the drop down menu, top right of your screen.
  19. I doubt he’s formally running the account honestly, which is why I find this somewhat insulting. An intern could easily promote all of Denton and use that platform to develop and grow collectively. I second all of your points - fans need to be involved and engage with the city of Denton and the university. But let’s not forget what UNT brings to Denton.
  20. This thread has taken a turn away from the original point - which was a comparison between the mayor of Dallas and the mayor of Denton with regard to promoting the local D1 university football team. We’re off talking about anecdotal encounters and defending schedules and work priorities. The fact remains that SMU (our current/soon to be rival and conference mate) was promoted via twitter by the mayor of Dallas, and Denton’s mayor shared a TWU tweet the week of our homecoming.
  21. Agreed. It was fairly clear that his ankle went into excessive plantarflexion while he was tackled low from behind then hit high from the front. Essentially his foot and ankle folded backwards while someone landed on him. I wish him well and a speedy recovery. He’s a real impact player.
  22. It highlights apathy towards our school and program, kind of like your apologist stance imo. The point is that his Twitter “voice” is louder and more impactful than you seeing him at a few games for the overall growth of our school and program.
  23. I’d love to get your take on how the mayor of Dallas has the time to support SMU, but Denton’s mayor doesn’t for UNT? Or how supporting a local university of 40k students would be unimportant to an elected official?
  24. Not sure who is eye rolling 🙄 this post or for what reason. The OP has a point and the TWU retweet is icing on the cake.
  25. Not eyeing Rice so much anymore with them being blown out by a 1-7 Charlotte.
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