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UNTethered Eagle

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Everything posted by UNTethered Eagle

  1. Respectively disagree, some of us still value dignity
  2. This is nonsensical. Phonetically it is “Dat-Q”, and in no way sounds like Da TCU or whatever people are claiming. The only thing I can surmise is that people can’t read properly anymore.
  3. Is that why we’ve lost players to SMU? Kidding. Valid point, but I think all teams on every level benefit from this. It would curb the manic/grass is greener on the other side type of transferring we see.
  4. But what about the kids?!? Won’t anyone think about the kids?!? How will they every make any money as a student athlete if donor fatigue and tax hurdles slow NIL donations down?!?!?
  5. Agreed, and will be doing the same. If people want to have what players and coaches have then they can join the team.
  6. Super excited to see what they put out for the Mean Green!
  7. Proud alumni and first time season ticket holder. Made additional contributions this year to the MGSF, and directly to both basketball and football. I live in central Texas and even with all of the success SL had I could never justify to expense for tickets or donations. But I guess with a new coach and conference there is new energy. Whatever it is it’s the perfect opportunity to reconnect (or connect for the first time) with alumni.
  8. You’re back!?!
  9. I’m sending you the largest eye roll. You just showed everyone here what you’re able to tolerate. So keep one moving with that.
  10. The true side of CK has been shown. Lol These are jokes!!!!
  11. Especially when you consider FAU beating Memphis last night.
  12. Oops, watching with the sound off so I don’t wake the little ones and upset momma bear. GMG!
  13. 1) Seriously 2) Needs to be T’d up imo, Lol
  14. Just made a donation - wish I could buy coach a beer/coffee too!
  15. Huntsberry is a boss x2, and Scott is a boss for taking that game changing charge.
  16. The crowd on tv looks like it has literally doubled as people are finally getting in.
  17. Huntsberry man! Playing strong 💪
  18. I personally think you are great, and always share good info without too much bias (we all have it). I have a problem with smu posters calling us delusional on our own fam board when we don’t agree with your take. Saying this so you know I’m not attacking you personally, or any cordial smu posters.
  19. The fact that smuers come to our board to discuss their football team should be a glaring indication of their fan following. And if they want to point to our own fan apathy, which is fair, they should realize we care even LESS about them. and certainly about them moving conferences. Maybe this will finally get them close to being like their true idol TCU. Lol
  20. Yeah sure, on their forum maybe?
  21. What’s disingenuous is hanging around our board in the interest of sports conversation but really just partaking is autofellatio.
  22. Nobody will be watching anyway so it’s a win-win. Your ego gets stroked and you have a new excuse for low turnout and viewership.
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