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Old Denton

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About Old Denton

  • Birthday 09/16/1890

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    Denton - The Home of Happiness
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    Status Quo, keepin' it Real

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  1. Tx St is a long historic rival, but the latter 2 have some Flavor-of-the-Week bias (as does UTSA).
  2. Not stated but clearly obvious: So Big (Orange) Brother can keep an eye on things.
  3. Kinda surprised they didn't have a Cadet with saber drawn at each entry. They would fight each other for that privilege.
  4. Yep. Had 3 INT's but also a lot of experience chasing running backs into the end zone.
  5. Doubt teasips had anything to do with it. It was completely aggy. It had something to do the being the Land Grant institution. They dropped the restriction when we pivoted to NT brand and the institution just down the road from their hated tu wanted to try it. Our location (DFW) likely played a major factor in suppressing the attempt.
  6. Tailgating at La Madeleine is such a SMU thing Out with the BBQ and beer, in with the quiche and green tea.
  7. Hard to think he's going anywhere but TSUSM. Clearly injured shoulder (to what degree, unknown, but those sailing passes speak for themselves). Announcing the day after bowl announcement is also a giveaway. Won't play against his soon-to-be new team. All TSUSM has to do is match our NIL or bump it slightly.
  8. His team is 4-8. Can't really blame him for going to other teams' sites.
  9. USF vs San Jose St in Hawaii announced
  10. 12 starters on both offense and defense. That's some 3-D chess right there
  11. The Black Lot was easy-peasy. Up your game.
  12. Way past due, UTEP should never have had to be a member of an eastern-based conference. NMSU neither.
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