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cousin oliver

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cousin oliver last won the day on June 6 2023

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  1. Dude needs to be benched period. That’s on Ross.
  2. I mean they lost by 2 points. I refuse to crucify or bail on them for that.
  3. Deeply saddened right now. Hoping tomorrow I will find a silver lining.
  4. Very encouraging to hear. Many good players from the Houston area indeed.
  5. This times 1000! Why in god's name are some on here going after poor Jarrod? He has always been very gracious to me and my girlfriend. He seems to really sincerely care about UNT.
  6. So if I understand this correctly, is the University able to allocate fund to athletics from other accounts within the university say like the general fund or any money left over from the general budget?
  7. No offense meant but I kind of take offense to your statement there. Basketball has done more than any other program we have as of late.
  8. Ladies up 64-54 with 2 minutes left. Lampkin has 25 points 8 rebounds. Aniyah Johnson seems to really be coming on as of late. I don't recall her playing or doing that much until lately. She has 6 points and 7 rebounds so far.
  9. Yes but this does seem like it was a fairly tough mistake to make in hindsight of course.
  10. Thanks. I think most of our fans are very positive on the addition of Texas State.
  11. It seems like by comparison, Texas Tech will always have an advantage due to they really have very little competition for the entertainment dollar. On the other hand, they do have to live in Lubbock lol.
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