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cousin oliver

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cousin oliver last won the day on June 6 2023

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  1. Girlfriend and I were discussing same. Most likely we will face UAB again. Will be a monumental game.
  2. Why was the OSU player allowed to punch poor Jossell in the nose like that?
  3. What is going on? How can we move forward from this?
  4. I was impressed with Hunter in our games. He would be a good hire.
  5. Very good hire in my opinion. He would have been a good replacement for Hodge.
  6. Found this online: Coliseum View map Add to calendar 601 North Texas Blvd., Denton, TX 76201 All staff across campus, at Discovery Park and in Frisco are invited to spend their lunch break in the Coliseum in Denton on Wednesday, March 26, for a fajita feast provided by award-winning Verde Catering. Enjoy door prizes and a chance to connect with fellow staff members across campus. If you can't make it, watch the event live stream on YouTube. The 2025 Staff Appreciation Awards winners will be presented during this event. Learn more about the Staff Appreciation Awards. Please plan to join us and cheer for your colleagues! Parking will be availble in Lot 20 during this event. Link: https://calendar.unt.edu/event/staff-appreciation-luncheon
  7. I was at the game and told that it was too late for us to change the schedule. OSU cancelled their busses and it would cost too much for them to reschedule. A shame that we allowed this to happen but very indicative of where we are.
  8. Impressive indeed. But what if you don't see the reults you hoped for quickly? What then? I think that was what the OP was theorizing.
  9. Yes it was. Huge win by McNeese!
  10. Good analysis here @CMJ
  11. Feeling proud of our board participants for engaging in such a meaningful discussion with no animus. I mentioned this to my girlfriend and she didn't believe me!
  12. I was there - no possible way there was only 2K. My guess is it was 4K. How can they make mistakes like this at the AD.
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