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Everything posted by gregorythegreen

  1. My wife and I borrowed a chair from a concession stand and she nursed in the family bathroom. It worked and was clean, but a nursing/baby room would be nice. It was nice Of the concession stand guy to let me have the chair he was sitting in though.
  2. The guy has heart and speed, but lacks size. There is always a mismatch with him and the receiver he covers. He will always be picked on. He got burned twice that I can remember at OU, but to me, that is forgivable. He did not get burned last night. Sure, some long passes were completed his way, but he made the tackle every time. He wraps up better than others on the team. His weakness is totally his size. Again, he will get picked on every game because he is small. I don't know if we can ask him to do any more. My preference would be to have another CB who is taller, but if we don't, and Roman is the best we have, then our safeties need to step up and a little on his side.
  3. I've come to the conclusion that PMG has a large file of pre-written paragraphs and he cuts and pastes on the board.
  4. I didn't actually see it happen. I just saw him laying on the floor and some guys helping him up. I was hoping someone else saw it. He is very animated.
  5. It was after they made a free throw. I didn't see him fall, but I saw 2 of his players help him up, and then he just walked around to try and play it off.
  6. http://navysports.cstv.com/sports/m-footbl.../020907aaa.html middle of page. I'm good friends w/Gladchuk's daughter. (He's the Navy AD). She confirmed. That will be a fun game.
  7. Got it, Thanks!
  8. Please add me when you get a chance. Thanks
  9. ULL is down by 2 w/ 15 min left.
  10. And imagine his son at quarterback.
  11. I have no problem with the practice fields being named after Dickey. I don't agree w/the way it was done, but I have no problem with it otherwise. MM's blackmail will soon be forgotten, and having a little part of DD on campus won't hurt a thing. He did do a lot for the program.
  12. One more mistake, at the bottom, where you list the team names, there is an s between Green and Troy. Other than that it looks great.
  13. But don't forget, our conference has not lost to a IAA team, which many other conferences so far this season, including the Big 12, have.
  14. What was that about Akron not having a special teams coach, and the special teams being bad?
  15. I think the location should be close to the stadium, w/in easy walking distance. This would make the place hugely successful on game days, football and basketball. It could be like the BUS in Houston across from Minute Maid Park or like the 'Boro across from MTSU's field. I know all of that land is limited, but that gas station is there, and the old truck restaurant (building) still there?
  16. National recognition is her goal, not regional.
  17. I have totally forgotten about this and now I have to work. However, my check is in the mail anyway, b/c I don't want to leave anyone stuck having to pay for me, and also, it is for the scholarship. If anyone wants to play and didn't sign up, they can have my spot. I apologize profusely. Greg
  18. Wednesday, March 1, 6-8 pm at Paddy Red's. See www.tarrantntexes.org for more info. Be there.
  19. I need a L, not an XL. thanks.
  20. I'm in for my first ever GMG Bowl. Current Sports: Full Back/Winger for the Texas Wesleyan Law School Rugby Football Club. Enough said. Med or Large shirt gregorythegreen
  21. Look guys, the correct way to use "loose!"
  22. English Law School
  23. I just ordered a had w/the new green and the new eagle logo.
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