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Everything posted by KRAM2

  1. BREAKING NEWS! This last Sunday the Cheer and Dance Teams had their annual "Send-Off Showcase" at the UNT Volleyball Gym. Cheer and Dance teams from UNT, DBU and TWU participated and showcased their National Championship Competition routines they will soon be using at the National Championships in Daytona Florida. You may recall that our UNT Cheer Team brought home a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP from last year's competition. It was a great Showcase and our teams represented UNT admirably. BUT THE BIG NEWS was that after the event Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr Elizabeth With, presented our Spirit teams with a check for $500,000 to create and endowment for Spirit Team student athlete scholarships! At last, the University has recognized the hard work these student-athletes do in support of UNT Athletics and UNT in general. Over the last decade (yeas decade) the little events that we have been holding has raised in the $100,000 range, but we could not start an endowment as we had to use the funds generated each year for "current year" scholarships. These funds will allow the Spirit teams to offer some level of scholarships annually for their team members while continuing to build the endowment to offer more and larger scholarships each year. Thanks to all here who have participated over the years. I have to think that our volunteer effort had some effect on the University finally stepping up in support. Really great news for these kids!
  2. For those who participated and for anyone else who might be interested....this little one morning Kickball event raised over $6,000.00 for our great Cheer Team kids! Again, thanks to all who supported this year's event!
  3. Well, that's a wrap folks! I just want to say "thank you" those here that participated in the event. It was another great success, and for those in attendance you saw just how much it means to the UNT Cheer program to have this kind of support from Alumni. I had so many Cheer kids and/or their parents come up to me and thank me for holding this annual event. We have done it for fourteen years now....eleven years specifically for UNT Cheer. What is really nice is how well the Cheer Team parents have embraced this event. WE had one Dad drive up from San Antonio just to surprise his daughter at the event. She had no idea that he was coming. In addition, the Cheer parents set up a great tailgate for us all to enjoy after the game with fresh cooked burgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings. It just seems to get better every year...of course, the great weather helped a ton. Was also great that Wren stopped by to check on us and handed me a very nice cash donation for the team as well. Got to thank him personally for all he did to keep Coach McCasland at UNT. So, thanks to all and especially to those of you here on GMG.Com that participated in any fashion. Bottom Line: WE HAD FUN and WE DID GOOD! Raised several thousand dollars just in the one event! Thank you!
  4. Really was great seeing you at the event. Thank you for helping us raise some much needed cash for these great student-athletes. Appreciate you!
  5. By the way folks...the weather is looking GREAT for the 26th. Right now I am showing a forecast of 73 degrees and sunny! Absolutely perfect. SO, even if you don't care to play...come out and watch and enjoy the show, be part of the tailgate and take a look at some great silent auction items. This is my SWAN SONG with this event. Been doing these events for about 14 years. WE have raised a bunch of money for scholarships and we have had a great time playing everything from touch football, to basketball, to softball to kickball in that span of years. If anyone would like to take this project on going forward I would be more than happy to help in the transition and stay on for the next year in a "helper/advisor" sort of role. But, time for new leadership. PM me here if you have any interest in seeing that these great student-athletes continue to get the support they deserve for all they do on behalf of our great University.
  6. Thank you very much. Appreciate the support. And, I assure you no AED necessary. HaHa!
  7. Just sent you a PM here on GMG.com with my contact info!
  8. Super...Thanks so much THOR! If you guys want to make it easy and register on-line the link is: https://one.unt.edu/annual-spirit-classic
  9. Really needing some players. It is only $35 to play and you get a Kickball Classic tee as well as helping raise a few bucks for the cheer squad. Sign-up Link: https://one.unt.edu/annual-spirit-classic
  10. Also, an early shout out to ours sponsors to date: Mr. & Mrs. C Dan Smith Addison Transportation Oak Street/East Side/Miss Angeline's Dot's Hop House So very much appreciate your support. Still looking for additional Sponsors. If you or your firm would like to help out the student-athletes, just PM me here and I will get in touch with you ASAP.
  11. NEW INFORMATION: We Now Have the Links for Player Sign-Ups and Donations: To Play: https://one.unt.edu/annual-spirit-classic To Donate: https://one.unt.edu/annual-spirit-classic-donation-page Hoping to see a few sign-ups and perhaps a donation or two from this group...good group of stdent-athletes who get VERY little financial support from the university. Lots of hours put in to support our athletic teams and the university outside of athletics.
  12. Thank you so much. We are working on getting a link set up for registration and donations. I will post it here as soon as it is available. Appreciate your support for these hard working student-athletes!
  13. STill looking for a bit of support from you folks here on GoMeanGreen.Com....lots of ways to help out these great student-athletes. Please consider.
  14. EXCELLENT! Thank you!
  15. One game. And, it is MARCH 26th...not Feb 26th. Don't think we are playing BB at the Super Pit on March 26th. Wpould love to see you come out and play. It's for a great cause.
  16. Back-Up Foul Weather Plan Now in Place! In case of foul weather that keeps us from utilizing the UNT Softball Field for our Kick-0Ball and Silent Auction event...we have obtained the use of UNT's INDOOR PRACTICE FACILITY. If a wet field or other foul weather p0revents us from our use of the softball field beginning with registration at 10:00 am, we will move the event to the INDOOR PRACTICE FACILITY with a 2:00pm registration time and 3:00pm kick-off. Remember...this is a back-up plane in case of bad weather only. WE still plan of playing on the Lovelace Softball Field beginning with a 10:00am registration and 11:00am kick-off. Really appreciate the Athletic Department working with me on this so we do not have to cancel the event due to poor weather.
  17. Glad to hear...just send me a PM here with your t-shirt size and name and I will add you to the player list. It really is that simple. When we get the link up you can register there and pay the entry fee or you can pay when you get to the softball field day of game. Appreciate you and your support.
  18. Excellent...got ya down! Please sens me a PM here with your t-shirt size!...thanks...bring some friends! Need ya!
  19. Excellent...thank you. Got ya down!
  20. Got ya covered and got ya down! Going to be fun! Knew I could count on you. 👍👍
  21. OK...after a two year break due to COVID...we are back for 2022! We will once again be working to help provide scholarship money to the UNT Cheer Team. This year's event will take place on Saturday, MARCH 26th at the UNT SOFTBALL COMPLEX. Yes, the newly renovated UNT Softball Complex. Registration and t-shirt distribution will begin at 10:00am with the first "roll" by none other than the great SCRAPPY, at approximately 11:00am. Registration is still only $35.00 per player and all proceeds go to the UNT Cheer team account. There will be a silent auction with lots of great stuff including UNT items you are sure to want. There will also be a tailgate with food available for a donation to the Cheer program provided by the UNT Cheer parents and a 50/50 raffle drawing. We hope to have an alternative site announced soon in case of poor weather on the 26th. Also, we hope to have a registration/donations link up soon. When that is available, I will post it here for all to use should they wish. So, at this point what do we need? 1. Players....will Thor be the first to sign up once again? It is tradition, you know? 2. Silent Auction Donations - Let me know if you have something you would like to donate to the auction 3. Sponsorships - if you or your business would like to help sponsor this event please let me know and we can work out the details/amounts, etc. 5. Donations - if you cannot play and cannot attend and would like to help these student-athletes, donations of any amount are appreciated and welcomed. 6. Attendees! We need folks to simply show up and support this event and perhaps bid on a silent auction item or two. OK...more to come in the next few days, but for now check out the "needs" list and get the 26th down on your calendars...it is going to be FUN! EDIT/NEW INFORMATION: Back-Up Bad Weather Plan: In case weather prevents us from utilizing the Lovelace Softball Complex, we have secured the use of the UNT INDOOR PRACTICE FACILKITY as our back-up location. Only difference would be a 2:00pm registration time and 3:00pm Kick-off time. Obviously had to work around Spring Football practice times. EDIT II: NEW INFORMATION: We now have our sign-up links and donations links available: TO PLAY: https://one.unt.edu/annual-spirit-classic TO DONATE: https://one.unt.edu/annual-spirit-classic-donation-page
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